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Unfortunately in my case, there was no declared carriage value with Fedex. So there was no insurance from them.

As for the package itself, the outer box was fine & there was bubble wrap present, but the contents were wrapped in these thick plastic bags with no bubble wrap to protect the items while sitting in the bags.

As you can see, there were punctured holes through the bag the CBOX was in.


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Thanks for the picture, I hope Axun will repair fast your unit, and add bubble wrap. Mine is in transit and will arrive in few days. I cross fingers.
Unfortunately in my case, there was no declared carriage value with Fedex. So there was no insurance from them.

As for the package itself, the outer box was fine & there was bubble wrap present, but the contents were wrapped in these thick plastic bags with no bubble wrap to protect the items while sitting in the bags.

As you can see, there were punctured holes through the bag the CBOX was in.
I'm really sorry to cause you trouble. This is also the first time I have encountered this situation. Maybe the box is relatively large, or maybe they re-checked the contents inside. Therefore, it is not so rigorously packed and placed. I'll pay the shipping cost sent to me. I will return to your PAYPAL account. Please let me know when you send it. Thank you
guys dont freak out, we have sent many CBOXs, this is the first one to ever be damaged upon arrival.

thats the risk of not declaring a value.... IF something happens
but if you declare a value a tax is most DEF waiting on you

It may have been unpackaged for customs checking. I never receieved a product from Axun that was not thoroughly wrapped up

anyways this is being resolved.
Fortunately, the CBOX support is really, really great. Both Axun and drfunk2k are really doing a great job about it. Keep it up!

With regards to the packaging, this might be the first time a unit arrived damaged but one thing is for sure there wasn't any bubble wrapping and/or cushion for each individual item inside the parcel's box, and judging by other posts on this same thread, this is not the first time it happens.

I just hope (or ask for) that future shipments include bubble wrapping and/or cushion for individual items inside the box to prevent any type of friction or even damage between items.

Thanks a lot guys!!!


this is not safe to say.... as it may have been depackaged by customs...​

every item i ever got from Axun is carefully packaged....

there are many details beyond our control.

i thank you for your compliments.
but Axun always packs carefully
this is the first cbox that was reported damaged from 471 sold
1 out of 471 is great odds

when customs repackages they dont give a fuck.....

plus we make it right!
yeah, totally agree, We're still at the mercy of customs personnel. That's an awful fact.

Knowing that you put the effort to package the items do add a layer of "peace" for us, at least for the long journey of the parcel from origin to customs point.

Maybe, a photo of the package prior to its shipping would be helpful
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I'm also going to chime in to say that my supergun was VERY well-packed. I did an opening video on it but never got around to finishing a proper review so I never uploaded it, but I went back to check. It was packed inside one of those Ziploc bags and that was packed inside the bubblewrap. The bubblewrap was very securely taped shut, there was absolutely no wiggle possible of the contents. It couldn't have had a softer ride.

I have had packages opened and repacked by FedEx before. They are not friendly to your goods. They will not repack it properly. I've had them tear the cardboard off the box where the label is and tape it to a new box and repack stuff before. I'd be very uncomfortable to say any of this is Axun's fault at all. There is simply no evidence that points towards it. As a seller, it's also lunacy to ask the shipper to photo every single parcel that leaves their hands. For 1 in 471, that's an egregious waste of time to prevent something with a 0.5% chance of happening.
Fortunately, the CBOX support is really, really great. Both Axun and drfunk2k are really doing a great job about it. Keep it up!

With regards to the packaging, this might be the first time a unit arrived damaged but one thing is for sure there wasn't any bubble wrapping and/or cushion for each individual item inside the parcel's box, and judging by other posts on this same thread, this is not the first time it happens.

I just hope (or ask for) that future shipments include bubble wrapping and/or cushion for individual items inside the box to prevent any type of friction or even damage between items.

Thanks a lot guys!!!
I agree, my items arrived in good condition, but there was no bubblewrap, just the thick plastic bags, and some of my items punctured them. I have received hundreds of packages from other countries and in my experience if the items are not really well packaged it’s very easy to receive something damaged (at least in the US). Shipping companies are terrible, don’t give a shit, and customs even less. it would be better to use heavy duty bubblewrap (not the thin layer one) instead the plastic bags. It’s not that the plastic bags are not a good idea, but they don’t provide any cushioning for the items. I wouldn’t mind to pay a bit more for better packaging. Maybe Axun could offer it for a few extra dollars.
Well again, mine WAS packed in thick bubblewrap. Not sure what to say.
I’ve seen everyone’s proactive comments and suggestions, so I’ll be more rigorous about packaging cushioning and outer boxes
To reduce the trouble of after-sales service for you and me。
FedEx came Yesterday, packaging and bubble was perfect . Now it's Time to play 👍. Thanks


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Is there someone who can tell me if the Axunworks supergun has protection to avoid voltage spikes when we change Pcbs often ?
Thanks for let me know,
Voltage spikes? Do you mean does it regulate voltage? No, it does not. You will have to manually adjust voltage per PCB.
The voltage is safe and adjustable. I can play CPS1 / 2/ 3/ , NeoGeo MVS, Sega STV, CAVE and Midway just fine on the CBOX, thats just JAMMA, i also run Naomi, Taitop Type x2 and x3 just fine
Luckily we can regulate the voltage, it was not my question.

What I mean about voltage spikes ?
Some superguns like MAK or retroelectronic superguns have no protection to avoid voltage spikes when we change Pcbs often.
For example, when I swap a Pcb with another one, a voltage spike appears when I switch on, and it is particularly usual with MAK superguns.
But HAS supergun has a protection and allows to avoid voltage spikes.

Because Axun Workshop propose a " jamma power switch " for sale in the shop, I can just suppose the Axunworks supergun has initially no protection like the others superguns mentionned previously. But I could be wrong. A clarification would be appreciated.

About your item " jamma power switch ", is it possible to use it on other superguns as well ? and is there any point in using it on candy cabinets ? Let me know.
That overshoot that happens when you turn on the PSU is completely negligible.

If you really want to obsess over it, you can look up the datasheets. There's a Mean Well LRS-100-3.3 and possibly a RT-85A inside (not verified, just based on pictures).

(does HAS actually have something like that? I couldn't find any mention of it)
I am agree with "negligible", but when it is a repeatable process, it is less negligible and it is not so good for Pcbs in the long term.

I would appreciate a reply from drfunk2k about its "jamma power switch".

Thank you so much
I am agree with "negligible", but when it is a repeatable process, it is less negligible and it is not so good for Pcbs in the long term.

I have fired up some of my PCBs three to four times a week for the last six years (so roughly a thousand power-ons) with different brands of PSUs. Guess how many have stopped working?


For some actual data on it, brad808 put PSUs under a scope in the following post. Scroll down to 'rising edge'.


It is negligible and not worth obsessing over.
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