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Nov 9, 2022
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Brisbane, Australia
One of my Blasts has the annoying OSD menu settings instead of being on the board inside the CP. I say annoying, because the damned thing does not work properly. Is this a chassis thing? Can it be fixed with a re-cap?

I have some other issues with the monitor that I hope a re-cap will fix or help, such as geoetry. But, I cannot get the geometry dialed in properly because the OSD does not work! Is there a way to disable the OSD and use the control board instead? I tried to play Runark on the Blast and it was impossible as the picture was shifted to the left with no way to fix it. I have some issues with the F3, as well.

I also need to re-cap the power supply and sound board. The sound is a bit scratchy and has that annoying hum thing that Blast's are known for when the sound board needs a refresh. Was hoping a power board re-cap might help with the monitor, too.

Is your controller board not working at all? If you leave the button "down" pressed, you should be able to access the extended menu. There is a member on here selling repro controller boards if you need a replacement.
The board does nothing at all when I turn the knobs on there. Was never sure if it was a board problem, or if the board is disabled in favour of the OSD menu.
I will as soon as I have access to my precious Blast.
MS-2931 remote board has no knobs, just three buttons. Might you have the wrong remote board for the chassis?
MS-2931 remote board has no knobs, just three buttons. Might you have the wrong remote board for the chassis?
Interesting! I did not know that.....

As soon as I have my cabs out of storage, I will get some photos uploaded.
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If it's an original monitor for the Blast, then it could be the MS-2930 chassis which has a traditional remote board with knobs on it, but definitely no OSD.
Hmmmm.... If it had the wrong chassis, I am assuming the OSD would not work at all?

The buttons on the monitor will bring up the OSD, it just won't change or set options very well. I could select an option, let's say H position for example, but when trying to use the buttons on the monitor to move the H postion does nothing. So options will not select at all, sometimes the setting selection (H Size, V Size etc) will not move at all, leaving no choice but to just turn the OSD off.

It really is a pain in the arse!
So does your controller board look something like this?


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No, it has knobs on it like an MS-09 board. It also has the settings for the 15, 24 and 31Khz modes which I always thought was weird. I figured that the board was the same between the MS2930 and MS2931, only with the Khz modes disabled for the 31.

Seems I have some real investigating to do with this Blast once I have it back! I will order one of those repro boards for sure.

I don't think I ever tested the auto-switching of the monitor as I only had MODEL 2/3 hooked up via a JAMMA convertor. I have a proper M3 Blast harness now, so I will be able to test it properly. I was not able to get to the VGA port when I tested my NAOMI 2 either.

I contacted the seller about the monitor issue when I took delivery from Melbourne in 2017, and they of course feigned ignorance, bastard.. I just took their word about it being an MS2931 as fact and never opened the back.
If you have an OSD, the monitor is a 31 or a 33.

My guess is you have both control remote boards installed. One inside the control panel enclosure and one mounted on the monitor frame. Am I right?
If you have an OSD, the monitor is a 31 or a 33.

My guess is you have both control remote boards installed. One inside the control panel enclosure and one mounted on the monitor frame. Am I right?
Exactly. The one in the control panel looks like the MS2930 control board. There are also the buttons on the frame itself. Should one be disconnected for the other to function correctly?

Or, could caps on tye chassis potentially cause the OSD to stop working?

As I said before, I would prefer the good old knobs in the CP to the damned OSD that does not work properly :)
The 2930 control board isn't connected to anything. There isn't a header for it on the 31 chassis.

You can remove it. Keep it as a spare or sell it to someone that needs one.
As I said before, I would prefer the good old knobs in the CP to the damned OSD that does not work properly :)

You likely just need to replace the microswitches on the remote. They can go bad.