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Staff member
Jul 21, 2015
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I know it's weird with me asking this but my printer is out of commission, has been for the last couple of weeks and I need some small/simple parts to get back up and running.

Basically one of the threads backed out on my hot end assembly and caused my PTFE insert to warp. I tried drilling it out but it just jams back up immediately, when trying to fix that a second time I broke my thermistor. :S

I've had an upgraded hot end sitting in a box for over a a year now including the parts that I printed to mount it on my printer. there were some other parts I still needed that I never got around to ordering. Well I decided now was the time and I had to wait 2 weeks for the rest of the parts to ship from the UK... they arrived yesterday and I got it all assembled today except there's a problem...


the hot end sits too high, even with the z-stop all the way down and my bed all the way up the nozzle is still about 2mm away from the bed and barely pokes past the bearing mounts.

Someone designed low profile bearing mounts and belt connector which should lower my carriage down enough to make this usable. but where my printer doesn't currently print I can't print them myself. So unless I can get someone else to print them for me my only option will be to order the parts necessary to fix my old hot end, wait another week+ for that to come in, tear this apart and re-assembly the old setup, print the parts then tear it all back down again.

ideally the bearing mounts should be printed in ABS but PLA should work well enough to get me running well enough so I can print them in ABS myself.


someone please print these for me, I'll gladly pay you for your services: View attachment to_print.zip