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Dec 18, 2016
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Reno, NV USA
I'm completely at a loss. I've been running TypeX2s for something near 10 years, and have never had this issue. Starting a few months ago, I started to get blue screens on the TTX2 multi. I tried re-imaging, different HDDs, and the 2 or 3 boards I had at the time. I have a mix of legit X2 boards and some TEM100s. I've been very busy and haven't needed the inventory to run in cabs at shows for a bit so didn't sweat it at the time. However, I now have something like 9 X2s and NONE of them work.

I've used 2 or 3 different revisions of the multi HDD image, multiple computers, SelfImage and HDDRawCopy to make the images, have burned them to 6+ HDDs from different sources, and tested them on 5 different X2s. ALL of them will not boot. The HDDs show up in windows just fine, can see all files, no apparent issues with the data. In general it'll blue screen, give Operating system not found, black screen (not no video signal), or one of sometimes always different errors. I've tried different power sources, hooking them to different cabs, or just monitors, tried switching the SATA cable, changing the port the SATA cable is plugged into, tried both DV-I ports. I want to rule out that every single X2 is faulty, or every single HDD is bad. I'd like to also rule out that the HDD image I'm using is bad, or the computer I'm writing from isn't doing it right, because I've used freshly downloaded images and different computers to do it.

I just don't know what to turn to anymore. It's ridiculous that I'd be isolated in having these problems, it's probably some absolutely stupid little thing, but I can't figure out what. I've been messing with a multi for 2 years, never had issues until now. I'm leaning towards some freak problem with data, since that has the fewest deviations in testing. I really don't think it's hardware if several units from different sources working beforehand all don't work. I haven't tried to go back to a non-multi image yet.

Oh .. crap. Now I am going to go home and fire the two I have in possession up just to make sure they still work.

*Edit* Maybe something as simple as a bios battery going dead?
That first picture with the bluescreen usually indicates video card failure.

The others ( with the exception of the other bluescreen. ) could be caused by a faulty USB to SATA adapter or bad USB cable. I'd try a different USB to SATA adapter since they can be had pretty cheap from Amazon.

The other bluescreen is most likely memory or possibly bad/failing northbridge ( motherboard ). Try to replace the memory in that unit.
Bad USB to SATA adapter while writing? That would make the most sense probably. I tried my remaining X2s and two of them boot. I've since tried swapping RAM and video card from both into other units, didn't fix anything. I could plug one in directly to my PC and write it, I've just been going on 4 days backing up my 8TB :P

I'm going to upgrade the RAM and processors at some point regardless, so if there ever were any issues there, that should fix that.

I thought about the BIOS thing, but I was using TEM100 motherboards as a test too to get around the TTX2 one. Those had the same problem. I'll try writing a drive with a different adapter and see what that does.

EDIT: oh for reference all of those screenshots were on the same PCB bootlooping without me touching it
not TTX specific but with older PCs I start getting blue screen when the caps start failing... keep in mind these mobos were made to last ~5 years at most. definitely inspect the caps on the mobo and the PSU for signs of failure.
If you can get hold of something like Quicktech Pro it may shed some light on where the instabilities are on your systems. But, having 9 Type X2's go faulty is insane!

Hope you sort out your issues man.
not TTX specific but with older PCs I start getting blue screen when the caps start failing... keep in mind these mobos were made to last ~5 years at most. definitely inspect the caps on the mobo and the PSU for signs of failure.
I kind of want to lean towards "6 TTX2s committed suicide together". I don't see how the HDDs are fine in two units, appear healthy, and 6 others just don't work, unless they are all dead. It's not RAM, graphics card, HDD, gotta be mobo somewhere? One did appear to have caps that didn't look right, but its a stretch saying that. Since I have at least one working, I'm going ahead with the whole point of getting one running right now which was to test my HD cabs. I'll probably be keeping this thread going whenever I get around to troubleshooting all this hardware; I can't let it go to waste.
Check the PSU in the first one and the connector to the video card - if possible try running it with a normal ATX PSU - I've got two faulty TTX2's and have just had to replace some blown caps on a TTX1 that was exhibiting post, boot & random memory errors. So I think it's highly likely it'll turn out to be knackered caps in the PSU of on the motherboard.

The parity one could just need the memory slots cleaning and the ram re-seating or replacing.

The read errors could be it's not detecting the HDD correctly (or HDD is faulty/corrupt) again check the sata cable, power connectors etc...
Yeah again those are all errors exhibited by the same unit boot looping over the course of an hour or two, not different units.the others got tested a few times only and were generally a blue screen or black screen. Since I have one working and I can test the screen I'm putting in my HD cabs I'm good for now until I come back to getting all the units working. I'm willing to bet and agree on caps being an issue
I've isolated a number of those boards to, of all things, graphics card. I've had faulty ones with artifacting and stuff, but never killing the boot like that. I'm finally compiling all my parts, and slowly getting them going. I have enough working now to suffice, things moving forward nice!

Also, making sure everything is updated to 1GB RAM. I have a few upgrade processors on hand to try once I get them all working as well. There's still one that POSTs then hangs on a black screen, otherwise the rest seem to be okay. WIll also be cleaning the shit out of all of them. Will report how it goes! For now I have 5 of 6 working with 3 more to test.