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Sep 21, 2016
Reaction score
Gold Coast, Australia
Hi everyone,
I bought some C boards from lydz to test if they will be suitable for the upcoming multi (whether they will accept key loads) and they turned out to be perfect.

They are VERY clean, CPS1.5 style C boards. I loaded Knights of the Round keys onto 2 of these and they both work perfectly.

You can buy them from @lydz using Taobao and a proxy. The price shipped for each unit was about $30AUD each.




Link to Taobao page, make sure you select the correct product. You will need a proxy.


IMPORTANT: These are UNMODIFIED battery C boards. They will NOT WORK on decrypted games or games that did not use a suicide battery, nor any other game they have not had keys flashed for. This includes the other CPS1 multi solutions currently available.

The wire link mod for decrypted sets kills the ability to store keys which is required for the multi. PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY THESE C BOARDS. We specifically asked the seller to supply them unmodified for this purpose.

I have tested these on battery games and they take keys and run correctly.
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Thanks for figuring this out @xodaraP, maybe someone in each region can do a bulk group buy from @lydz and see if he can cut a deal to save on shipping?

Also didn’t you have to ask specifically that they weren’t modified?
The bulk lot he is selling is unmodified, but I did specifically ask that I get them unmodified just in case. Thank you for reminding me :)

Worst case the modified boards can be reverted but it's always nice (and less work for both sides) if it's already unmodified
You'll need to buy it from @lydz Taobao (Chinese eBay) store using a proxy
Guys do you think this being sold by @sheep_nova on ebay work?
I have one of those. They will need to be un-modified and have a battery added back. I haven’t tested yet but I think it’s just one wire to remove. The only issue is the wire is bridging two of the pins on the B-21, so you will have to remove that bridge after you remove the wire. If you have flux, desoldering braid, and courage, you can undo that, but it’s a risk for a novice. The pitch is pretty fine.
there is no need to remove the bridge from pins 45 and 46. Just add pin 47 (pin inmediatly to the right) to that bridge in order to revert the "phoenix" process.

That is a lot easier than remove the bridge and re-connect the traces cutted during phoenix process
there is no need to remove the bridge from pins 45 and 46. Just add pin 47 (pin inmediatly to the right) to that bridge in order to revert the "phoenix" process.

That is a lot easier than remove the bridge and re-connect the traces cutted during phoenix process
Cool, I hadn’t looked that up yet
@sergiopolog So are you saying bridge pin 47 with 45 and 46. Does wire still need to be removed and batt added back?
yes, obviously you need to remove the wire before and then bridge pin 47 to 45 and 46. That only reverts the phoenix.

In order to use that reverted C-board, you need to install a fresh battery and program proper keys into B-21 custom chip using arduino. You will also be able to use upcoming CPS1 Infinikey from @undamned when it comes out, avoiding to install the battery
@sergiopolog that’s for restoring the c board for use on one game right?

It’s unclear to me how the infinikey would interact with the CPS1 multi. I would guess you’d need to install a battery instead, and let the CPS1 multi do the key injection.
@sergiopolog that’s for restoring the c board for use on one game right?

It’s unclear to me how the infinikey would interact with the CPS1 multi. I would guess you’d need to install a battery instead, and let the CPS1 multi do the key injection.
Yes, sorry. That's the case for use it in an original game.

When using it in the CPS1 Multi, it seems that the only requirement s that the C-board isn't modified (or revert phoenix)

If I am not mistaken, the CPS1 Multi itself will act as "Infinikey" and it will program on the fly proper keys into B-21 when choosing the game
For the forthcoming multi, I believe it’s been confirmed by @Darksoft that the boards @xodaraP linked in the first post will be 100% compatible. So, for a definite plug-and-play solution, they’re the ones to get.

Not in any way deterring anyone from modifying what they have, however these mods, as simple as they may be for those proficient with a soldering iron, they’re definitely not something I’d suggest for a novice or someone who’s not dealt with fine pitch soldering before.
I guess maybe my question is.. if they battery holds the keys, but the Multi injects the key, do we need a battery on the C board @Darksoft?
Yes, I confirm that those will be good.

Is there someone in China that could help as a proxy? @xodaraP who was your proxy?
I placed an order for a couple of these through TBFocus recently and it ended up getting cancelled like a week or two later FWIW