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I heard that I bought the last one left from saveyourgames...

It would be very sad if there was an FPGA chip (?) instead of the Q1 chip by any chance.. ㅠ.ㅠ

I wonder if there are any plans to get Q1 chips here in the future or even sell them at darksoft!
It would be very sad if there was an FPGA chip (?) instead of the Q1 chip by any chance.. ㅠ.ㅠ
ALL the first 200+ something orders are Q-Sound... That was the secret/surprise.
If you made the original batch/order, you've got one.

Of course you know what that means for anyone outside of this first batch...
AND what that means for ALL future batches/orders.

To future folks: Hey, at least you get to purchase one...
DS could have said "no Q-Sound means its forever discontinued" but he didn't do that, he found a way.
Even if the FPGA version was different (and by all accounts it not) it would only affect CPS1.5 games, the entire CPS1.0 selection would still be perfect.

My issue was only that people on the original pre-order list should have the option to get original Q-Sound.
Well ALL original listed people got Q-Sound, so my only issue with this multi's release has evaporated.

I believe the only disappointed person has been @MostroVeneno who expressed a desire to get FPGA when ordering (notice how he disliked this post).
I would suggest he do what he told me to do before this truth was known publicly... "Find a future FPGA owner to trade for your Q-Sound" I honestly don't think it will be very difficult...
Some (me) will say HE is crazy for even thinking about that, as a Q-Sound Multi WILL fetch more on eBay (yea surprise Q-Sound esp over time WILL be valued higher, we all know it).
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AND what that means for ALL future batches/orders.

You make it sound so dramatic though ;)

It means you get an fpga representation of the q sound chip that darksoft and jotego worked on for month(s) to make sure it was 1:1 accurate. That will probably last longer than the original q sound chips!

I hope someone gets both and does a comparison. My guess is nobody would be able to tell the difference, ever.

Hell, you and me both would love a drop in A-01 chip fpga to revive all these dead A boards. I wouldn’t turn my nose up at that either.

Original chip was certainly nice while it lasted, good perk for the first buyers, but this multi is gonna be awesome with the fpga as well.
I'm really happy with what I got, whether Q-sound or FPGA
You got what you wanted, but keep poisoning over the same subject over and over again, don't discourage future owners, let people buy this awesome multi without having to swallow your unfinished issues again and again, quit preaching...
I'm not trying to discourage anyone, future or present.
Swallow my unfinished issues? I just said I had one issue (pre-order integrity) with this release, and that its 100% gone now (I feel the list WAS honored).
I don't really understand quit preaching, but if you are saying I should STFU I'll remind you that you can block me/my posts at anytime it suits you...
Asking me not to make them (posts) will be less effective.
It means you get an fpga representation of the q sound chip that darksoft and jotego worked on for month(s) to make sure it was 1:1 accurate. That will probably last longer than the original q sound chips!

I hope someone gets both and does a comparison. My guess is nobody would be able to tell the difference, ever.
We actually removed the Qsound from a CPS1.5 and replaced it with an FPGA and Jotego's code. We run it through some sygnal analyzers and there was ZERO difference. Notice that this is a digital Chip, not an analog, where you could have noise, modulation, etc. Here it's just digital data and we confirmed that it was 1:1 accurate. This was only one chip and took us months. Doing the same with the whole CPS1 is a completely different story. Here is just one chip and it's not because we dont want to use it. It's because you cant find it!
I'm a dramatic guy? IDK... Its true isn't it... :P
He said that "sounds like", not that "is". The only fact here is that FPGA is 1:1 accurate to Qsound and that this multi is the most awesome piece of hardware ever :thumbup:
Hands down my fav multi to date. :!:

Makes me wish for a MVS Multi revision...
One that drops the software menu and virtual slots in favor of lighting fast loading from SD card/LCD selector screen (and standard DS "name" files for said LCD).
I’d be down for a selector screen version of the MVS multi.
I prefer those more than On-screen menu system.
Hell yeah, huge thanks to all involved!!


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Here is a pro tip: After thirty plus years of never being toggled, the DIP switches on your A board might not make reliable contact.

I just spent way too long verifying over and over that I had the switches set correctly. Once I finally got out the multimeter, it was clear why the game wasn't behaving as expected.

P.S. The @Mitsurugi-w DIP switch extender can't come soon enough. Even with working DIP switches, setting them is not easy with this multi kit.
Also, in the future ponder this. There are TONS of cps2 A-boards. I know for a fact there are tons of BROKEN A-boards. Those can be used to harvest a Q sound chip for yourself if you so desire. You will just need the Q sound module pcb which I'm sure we can get in stock eventually.
Yea I'm really looking forward to a DIP solution too.

Did you try the 30th AE hack yet?
Even if you lack a 3 player cab (like me) playing with the pallet swaps/double Cody's, Guy's or Haggar's is fun.

The continue On/Off dip is on bank 3 switch 7 for most games I think, which is freaking hard to reach, and it seems to differ between games too! Certainly need a dip solution.

And I just ran the original version since it’s been a long long time. I’ll try the hacks once I run through all the base games.
Are you guys able to change dip settings with the multi assembled? I was not successful with this. I have been taking it apart to change dip settings.

What tool are you guys using if you’re keeping it assembled?