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No problem, take your time, there’s enough of everything else to play anyway.
I was playing Darius Gaiden Extra Version on the Darksoft F3 Board and on the 2player side you can play all the levels in order
and level 3 ( C ) doesn't play the music just the sound effects.

I tested it a few times with the same results .

just thought I would add that to this thread as a issue .
/* DariusGX has an interesting bug at the start of Round D - the clearing of lineram
(0xa000->0x0xa7ff) overflows into priority RAM (0xb000) and creates garbage priority
values. I'm not sure what the real machine would do with these values, and this
emulation certainly doesn't like it, so I've chosen to catch the bug here, and prevent
the trashing of priority ram. If anyone has information on what the real machine does,
please let me know! */
/* Update: this doesn't seem to occur anymore, I'll leave this snippet in but commented out.
* fwiw PC=0x1768a0/0x1768a4 is where the game clears lineram in round D, which is a
* move.w Dn, (An,D7.w*2) , a kind of opcode that could've been bugged back then.

mame video driver sorce
Oh, God!
I was released from the 10-year spell.


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DARAIUS GAIDEN is ZONE A to ZONE B or ZONE A to ZONE C is one song.
So, if you go ZONE A → B → C, ZONE C will not play the song.
Then I tried all zone modes and found out.
The screen looks strange in zone X.
The way the stages are connected is different, so it may be a mistake in initialization.
There was no problem with the normal mode.


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Then I tried all zone modes and found out.
The screen looks strange in zone X.
The way the stages are connected is different, so it may be a mistake in initialization.
There was no problem with the normal mode.
Was it happening before? I don't think the patched code broke anything.
When you say normal mode? Do you mean Normal Darius Gaiden (without the EXTRA)?
Sorry, I didn't explain well.

When I checked various stages in all zone modes, I found out that EXTRA has a unique bug.
It doesn't matter much.
Ahhh so there is another bug? Now that you can play Zone D, you should also be able to play zones G, K, P and Z that were before unreachable, right? Did you notice anything on those?

Can you tell me more about the problem with Zone X? From the pictures that you posted, it looks like characters in Stage X are very black? Is that it?

Please let me know.

i do some test i have the same result on my darksoft F3 (stock romset without patch) p1 side

= missing background in zone D in darius gaiden extra.

the normal version does not suffer this problem (a shame, the extra version is so much more comfy with the built-in autofire <3 )

the problem is a long time ago problem, i already encounter this issue in the extra version too when i made a "dual" convert for the F3 using this tutorial when 7 years ago i made some convert (a real pain due to the number of desoldering to do - long live to IC sockets).

it's clearly the code inside the game, not the daughter board (original f3 daughterboard with eproms OR darksoft F3 daughterboard)

i was suspecting the motherboard for sometime, but after some tests with friends = clearly not the f3 mobo who is faultly. ( doubt dispeled )

it could be awesome if we can "fix" the romset on darksoft F3 ! 8o

i'll try the "fix"

Then I tried all zone modes and found out.
The screen looks strange in zone X.
The way the stages are connected is different, so it may be a mistake in initialization.
There was no problem with the normal mode.
strange this "dark moon" on the left at the start of zone X.

could it be the "line by line zoom effect" from the F3 hardware who lacks some background there ?
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Then I tried all zone modes and found out.
The screen looks strange in zone X.
The way the stages are connected is different, so it may be a mistake in initialization.
There was no problem with the normal mode.
This must be something intrinsic to the Extra version, I didn't touch anything related to that, only to the background priority.

The same for that "dark moon" on the left at the start of zone X. It's there in the game.
Then I tried all zone modes and found out.
The screen looks strange in zone X.
The way the stages are connected is different, so it may be a mistake in initialization.
There was no problem with the normal mode.
This must be something intrinsic to the Extra version, I didn't touch anything related to that, only to the background priority.
The same for that "dark moon" on the left at the start of zone X. It's there in the game.
i follow your idea, i think taito had not so much time to "rearange" the "fluidity" in the extra version between stages and "how they follow smoothly" so the "dark moon" on the left on the stage X in extra version doesn't shock me, i accept it as an "easter egg". <3 (we keep it !)

maybe the original darius gaiden version was so hard when it came out in the arcades, than taito programmers had in "the urge" do the update to the extra version with autofire and "marathon mode" on player 2 side for commercial reasons. :whistling:

darius gaiden says 1994 on title screen, the extra versions says 1994 too .

i'm curious if on the "test mode" or dip setting , if we can see how fast the extra version followed the original version ??? :?:

must be short.
arguably 6 month from this source

the "cut" of the music seems normal too in the extra version, the tracks are shorter and were not "extended" to the extra version, to match the whole "awesome-1h30-long-play-of-the-28 stages-marathon-on-player-2-mode"

this extra version is a gem regarding the original version, a little easier, the autofire is a real improvement and comfortable, :thumbsup: (even if it's much more an internal prototype work from taito)

+ the extra version was never ported to home consoles :P all saturn and sony's versions uses the darius gaiden and not the extra version (we'll see the nintendo switch version ?? )

i'll try the "fix" tomorrow on the hardware. if i see any bug or shocking things occurs in the stages. i'll let you know 8)
i need to sleep, excited for the "location test" of the "fixed" extra version tomorow 8o
ok here is my feedback after 2 hours of testing the "fixed" darius gaiden extra version on the darksoft F3 (thanks holidays):

* i only tested the 1 player mode for now - with the pyramid level choices *

--graphics :--

-the missing background in the level D seems solved, be now see the seaground, no mor crashs ! thanks Darksoft ! :thumbsup:
-in the level Z no "black moon" occurs, everything was fine.

--music / sounds : --

-there is absolutly no music in level M (ice level) :huh:

-the music plays continuously between levels A and level C (no intermission music) :whistling:

funny thing : i noticed too when you enable "pause" ( C button ) twice at the end credits, it cut the ending credits and send you back to game over and title screen.

* i'm going to test the 2 player mode with the nonstop 28 levels mode, i'll let you know * 8)
ok here is my "betatest" on the 2 player mode a.k.a "28 levels marathon" on darius agden extra with the fix :

-graphics: -

i encounter a graphic glitch like TMF68k.

see pic below. it occurs in level X but only in the "28 levels marathon mode" on player 2 side.

the background is distorded. it supposed to be displayed / rendered in a rectangle ,between top and bottom clouds foreground, but the F3 render's it as a parallelogram

-the sun in not spherical (see the red circle)
-the "black moon" spotted before is just the render with backround missing . here on my hardware, it's 2 triangles , one left ,one right.

-music / sound :-

-no music in level C in marathon mode

-no music in level M in marathon mode, but it doesn't matter, the level is very short (one screen or two) and after it's a gigantic boss rush against titanic lance, with boss music no broblem. :thumbup:

hope it helps ! ;)

fun fact : pressing the pause button (P1 = C) does not cancels the ending credits. but pushing P2 C button at the endings of the "marathon mode" cancels the ending credits.
the extra version was never ported to home consoles all saturn and sony's versions uses the darius gaiden and not the extra version (we'll see the nintendo switch version ?? )
switch version does NOT contain extra version afaik, only normal Darius gaiden
were these errors happening before?
i don't know, someone must check on the "unfixed" version on the F3 darksoft, and play the marathon mode (it's long takes 1h30 ) until the X level.