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Feb 15, 2019
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I have a DariusBurst EX: AC full size cab with original hardware that is hanging during the test portion of the boot up process. It just sits there with blank command line windows open. It does that everytime I power it on and never fully loads the game. I pulled the hard drive and tested it and it seems to be ok. Any idea what might cause it to hang during that portion of the boot process or how to proceed?
Have you fixed this? I'm (sort of) dealing with a DariusBurst EX: AC cab but with a dead hard drive. I did a lot of google searching and couldn't find anything on a hacked/unmarried image to burn this to an SSD.

Is there any hacked/unmarried drive image to restore dedicated cabs like this that just have a dead hard drive? All we operators need is this; not some elaborate unnecessary TTX multi.
There are, but people hold them close to the chest (or charge money for them).

I think @rtw has a working image that is offered to original cabinet owners, but you'd have to contact them for details.

Hangs at "TEST OF THE DAY" screen are usually due to monitor problems (the game checks display EDID) or I/O issues. Have you confirmed the I/O boards are working? Did you try new/different cables?
This cab would look good next to my Warzaid :)

from the looks of it, it seems to be exactly the same trickery, but with LCDs this time, to make 2 screens appear has one.
i have put together a disk image which enables real owners of Dariusburst cabs to repair their systems. I do not charge anything for them but I do ask for a picture of their cab and maybe a dump of the disk to determine if they have an undumped version.

The disk image requires that you have ALL the original hardware.