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Multi Boyz Overlord
Multi Boyz
May 20, 2016
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Brisbane, Australia
So, I'm one of the three lucky people who have the forthcoming CPS-1 Multi from Darksoft here for QA testing. I've been running this unit through it's paces and I can honestly say it's very well designed, thought out and an extremely impressive product. I hadn't seen the final multi until it arrived last week and I was surprised at what it's become: a true masterpiece work that'll be well worth everyones wait.

Firstly, here are some photos — I'm not going to show the entire multi as that would spoil some of the spark of the final official reveal.






I'll try give some basic information below which should help clear up some queries:

Installation of the Multi is extremely simple. It involves soldering two DuPont wires to the underside of the A-Board and replacing a PAL chip on the A-Board with a GAL. On most A-Boards the PAL is socketed. That's it. Also, as mentioned previously, you'll need a battery-less, battery-based C-Board. The models of these are 90630C-4, 90631C-5 and 92641C-1. If you grabbed one previously from @drfunk2k you're all set!

The multi is controlled by the same LCD selector that is used with CPS-2 and F3. If you're familiar with either of those multi's you know what to expect. It's simple, and it gets the job done quickly and effectively which means less time faffing about and more time for playing games ;)

The A-Board and Multi are ingeniously connected together with a "filter" board, similar to what's found in CPS-1.5 games. No doubt there'll be some nice cases to house the finished product. I've got mine in a standard CPS-1 plexi from @Telpherion that I had a spare of which is working well, however solid sturdy support for the filter board in forthcoming enclosures will be very welcome and a must to ensure the board stays together nicely.

The one thing that caught me by surprise instantly was that there is a genuine Capcom QSound chip on here! I was wondering if the QSound was going to be implemented somehow by FPGA but I was greeted by the real thing instead! IMO this makes the multi that extra bit special as it's 100% accurate CPS-1 and CPS-1.5 games on genuine hardware. You can't really beat it.
@Darksoft has gone well out of his way in that regard. The CPS-1.5 library plays perfectly, I've got it hooked up in stereo from the RCA ports and it sounds fantastic.

The multi will run on both 10MHz and 12MHz boards. It will play the games natively as they are on original hardware. If you want complete 100% accuracy you'll need the board the game was designed for, however either motherboard should play the games with no issues. I've been testing with a short 12MHz Dash board and there's been no glaring issues whatsoever. I've heard the same from other testers with a 10MHz running.

Unfortunately there is no connector for Forgotten Worlds spinners. From my understanding this is a large undertaking and task to achieve, so as to not hold up the Multi any further it wasn't able to be incorporated this time around. HOWEVER, there is an excellent hack that works which uses buttons instead of a spinner (similar to the Mega Drive version).

I'll leave it there. Of course there'll be more refined and deeper details announced from other testers / with the final announcement, but I'm throwing ya'll a bone because I know everyone's been waiting so long. It's not far away guys, get those donors ready MultiBoyz!
Cant wait for this. Do you know if all the cps1 multi’s that @Darksoft is going to sell will have the qsound chip or only yours got that for testing purposes?
All! I can’t believe @Darksoft has been sitting on a pile of QSound chips like it ain’t no thing… I wonder what else he’s got tucked away ;)
I'm gonna just address the elephant in the room, because I'm really curious to hear other people's takes:

My excitement level for this has dropped since running my Mistercade. I love real hardware! But the CPS1 core on Mister is really strong, and still getting subtle improvements (shout out to my man Loïc for the work he did on Strider's stars).

I've got a 12Mhz Dash board, Hyper Fighting, that I could convert. But I honestly wonder what will run better, 10Mhz games on my 12Mhz board, or Mister?

You could say "well there's a project to remake the Forgotten World spinners, and you probably can't run those on Mister!" and well ... that turned out to not be something that was able to be addressed here.

I know Mistercade's aren't technically shipping yet, I have a release candidate beta board. But I think they're ready to go, in the next week or two. And we have an AP member selling a competitive product that's available now. And I'm spacing on the link for that, my apologies. Point is, there are good jamma options now.

Maybe I'll get this still. Big Darksoft fan here. But it's not as slam dunk for me now. Mister is kind of a limited project, arcade-wise. I'm still buying real boards, just picked up two this week. But CPS1 is something it does well.

There's a lot of pros to the mister options. I've got a pre-ordered mistercade that I'm looking forward to getting in the cabinet.

Like MAME, mister has served as means of trying out a variety of games prior to making a purchase. You can also pause...

I have yet to try the mistercade but here's why I think I will stick with getting the multi - I am assuming, like other multis, it'll provide quick access to gameplay. No twitter posts to look out for for updates, no running the update all script, no remapping of buttons, and less potential to hit a wall with a bad case of too many options. There's also a whole lot of mister core dev that I don't understand. I normally don't think I am sensitive to tweaks in sound or color displays. Is the core built completely upon the cps1 or are bits being recycled? No idea.
I'm glad to see Mister catching on and I hope that it continues to improve to be identical to real hardware (or as close as possible). But this is the gold standard for me.

CPS1 is a powerhouse system and a multi to play the entire library on original hardware is a dream come true.
Awesome, can’t wait.

Will these fit in a real CPS1.5 case, that’s the real question!
From the way it's looking, I think it's a safe assumption that it should judging from a pic from a real CPS1.5.


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I'm gonna just address the elephant in the room, because I'm really curious to hear other people's takes:

My excitement level for this has dropped since running my Mistercade. I love real hardware! But the CPS1 core on Mister is really strong, and still getting subtle improvements (shout out to my man Loïc for the work he did on Strider's stars).

I've got a 12Mhz Dash board, Hyper Fighting, that I could convert. But I honestly wonder what will run better, 10Mhz games on my 12Mhz board, or Mister?

You could say "well there's a project to remake the Forgotten World spinners, and you probably can't run those on Mister!" and well ... that turned out to not be something that was able to be addressed here.

I know Mistercade's aren't technically shipping yet, I have a release candidate beta board. But I think they're ready to go, in the next week or two. And we have an AP member selling a competitive product that's available now. And I'm spacing on the link for that, my apologies. Point is, there are good jamma options now.

Maybe I'll get this still. Big Darksoft fan here. But it's not as slam dunk for me now. Mister is kind of a limited project, arcade-wise. I'm still buying real boards, just picked up two this week. But CPS1 is something it does well.

A pandora box is also jamma. When you try this you'll understand. Nothing beats the original Hardware.
Do you want to waste an original cps1.5 just for the case?
Exactly why I'm hoping someone makes aftermarket cases, so it avoids situations like this. Whether it be through 3D printing or injection molds I'd be more than happy to support aftermarket cases.
There’ll be cases made for this to be sure, I’m sure the regular suspects will hop onto this. I’m looking forward to what they all come up with and getting one of each :)