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For Sale
I recently took a two month hiatus from the forums, my personal life, as well as a lot of unpaid time off work due to a family emergency. The bills for that time away have now arrived and I'm forced to finally man up and sell some of my boards.

Hopefully all of these find good homes and get some play as they are from my own collection and I am reluctant to sell most of them. Everything is in full working order and tested on multiple cabinets and superguns
I feel your pain mate, as you can see I had to take drastic decisions recently too.
GLWTS, a lot of great titles.
Damn I didn't realize how big a disparity there is between USD and AUD... $1.00 AUD = $0.69 USD (According to Google at the time of this post)

At first glace I though "those aren't quick sale prices", but after converting... yeah they are quick sale prices.

There are some nice boards here are nice prices, just not anything I'm looking for at the moment.

Damn I didn't realize how big a disparity there is between USD and AUD... $1.00 AUD = $0.69 USD (According to Google at the time of this post)

At first glace I though "those aren't quick sale prices", but after converting... yeah they are quick sale prices.

There are some nice boards here are nice prices, just not anything I'm looking for at the moment.

That's why it's always "better" to advertise in USD or EUR, or even better GBP. :D
(Who said bitcoin? :evil: )
Thanks for the co-signs @twistedsymphony and @Apocalypse -- I'll just be happy to get some boards into circulation and knock out this debt.

I advertised in AUD because it makes it easier for the customer when paying. PayPal rinses so much money in their conversion rate to AUD it makes no sense once you withdraw the money! If I was going to spend the money it would be a no brainer to get USD or Euro.
BUMP. A few PCBs have sold, but there's a lot of good things up for grabs...
Bump. Some more boards sold and removed from list.

I received the 2 PCBs I bought from djsheep today and confirm everything is working great. Thanks!
Weekend bump. Post updated to reflect sold items. Cheers for checking.
BUMP! Half a dozen games left...

Will post for free to anyone in Australia.

If overseas people buy more than one game, I'm more than willing to move on the prices.
I remember your nickname... perhaps from emu_lobby, #retrogamers or some other retrogaming chat room?
(I'm formely known as DaemoN_).

Nice list of games for sale, by the way :) Thunderforce AC is quite cool and uncommon.
I remember your nickname... perhaps from emu_lobby, #retrogamers or some other retrogaming chat room?
(I'm formely known as DaemoN_).

Nice list of games for sale, by the way :) Thunderforce AC is quite cool and uncommon.
Cheers. The Thunderforce AC is a conversion that was kindly done by @xodaraP -- cool game, but I ultimately got bored with it and found myself playing the Mega Drive ones more. If no one ends up snapping it up soon, I'll just convert it to a C2 multi and call it a day.

I haven't really been on any gaming chat rooms before, I've really only posted on this forum and had a brief stint posting on Arcade Otaku and the Shmups Forum. Maybe you saw me there, or possibly through music?