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Are there tutorials available or maybe ekorz is willing to make a tutorial on how to mod Dodonpachi?!
Any links would be appreciated.
I'm willing to start my own ddp campaign project in private (I'm sure many others would too).
There's nothing illegal in tutorials.
debugger documentation is actually all you need: https://docs.mamedev.org/debugger/general.html
There are a bunch of romhacking tutorials out there, I'm not doing anything special but I did work up to this level of complexity by starting at something very small.
In extremely broad strokes, you let mame or ghidra or whatever else disassemble the program rom binary, then you read through it and use the debugger to figure out what is doing what, and then make edits in the binary to implement the changes you want. I built some tooling to help make things faster, but it's nothing special.

Also, there's no legal issue with any of my work/code/patches/etc. I've just made an educated choice to pause this release, based on new information that was shared with me in private.
just wanna congratulate on the the effort you put in to bring some kinda version of campaign to the masses,I think we all respect that a lot.hopefully your decision not to release is actually down to a commercial release.exa or m2 either it’s awsome.fk il be disappointed if we don’t get any news of a release soon.best not be some 2026 release!😆
Ill be snubbing Exa /M2 campaign mode and play ekorz's campaign mode if released :)
debugger documentation is actually all you need: https://docs.mamedev.org/debugger/general.html
There are a bunch of romhacking tutorials out there, I'm not doing anything special but I did work up to this level of complexity by starting at something very small.
In extremely broad strokes, you let mame or ghidra or whatever else disassemble the program rom binary, then you read through it and use the debugger to figure out what is doing what, and then make edits in the binary to implement the changes you want. I built some tooling to help make things faster, but it's nothing special.

Also, there's no legal issue with any of my work/code/patches/etc. I've just made an educated choice to pause this release, based on new information that was shared with me in private.
Not going to add to any wild speculation, I think it's been covered. :P Respect on making the decision to pump the brakes for a minute, I know that couldn't have been easy. Your updates were filled with so much enthusiasm and joy behind the project. I think you single-handedly had us all completely engrossed with it. Looking forward to what churns out in the future man.
Hi, I found this Rick Astley videoclips compilation VHS tape in the wild, and thought it would be interesting to digitize it.


everyone seems to be mad at exa and we don't have any proof they're the reason, you're almost as bad as those zoomers on discord who hate exa because the other person hates exa
everyone seems to be mad at exa and we don't have any proof they're the reason, you're almost as bad as those zoomers on discord who hate exa because the other person hates exa
Nobody is mad at exa. We just find them hypocritical sometimes. The founder of exa use to dump roms in the past and have them available for emulation. Now he send cease and desist orders to anyone else dumping Cave roms.
everyone seems to be mad at exa and we don't have any proof they're the reason, you're almost as bad as those zoomers on discord who hate exa because the other person hates exa

I've not seen anyone acting angry about this, but hey, it's your fantasy.

Most of the takes have been reasonable criticism, at most.
Well it doesn't require an exAlted eXaminant to confirm that this conversation has became Exacting. Wait....has this sore on my arm become eXanthematic.....?

fwiw if I'd been served a cease and desist, I would have framed it and put it up on my wall.
And you'd all be seeing a photo of it right now :D
Just a thought, you are 100% sure the party that sent you something is who they are claiming to be? I've seen projects getting stopped by competing coders/hackers claiming to be companies and creating fake mails/messages/docs etc.
Just a thought, you are 100% sure the party that sent you something is who they are claiming to be? I've seen projects getting stopped by competing coders/hackers claiming to be companies and creating fake mails/messages/docs etc.
yep, I'm confident in the source and the veracity of the info