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Apr 13, 2016
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Hey there so I have a cps3 setup with a standard sh2 and a superbios. Yesterday it locked up when playing 3rd strike(a) usa.

I am currently attempting to troubleshoot the thing
-I tried running the japan version and it locked up after a minute or two, then at some point it also threw a ram error
-earlier I tried to reinstall 3s and at about 60 percent completion it threw up "error 12"

Tomorrow I plan on trying to install some games that require less ram to hopefully further isolate the problem, but I just wanted to post this here to see if anyone could reassure me that error 12 is indeed associated with the RAM.
After that I am going to try and reseat the ram and see what happens, because it seems like that is where my problem is stemming from.

I have done a little bit of searching and have not found anything about that error in particular, any info would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any responses; sorry if this is not the appropriate board for troubleshooting like this and I will try and keep this thread updated if I do find a solution.
Try switching your two 64mb SIMMS around. I think there is an issue with Simm 2.
I was able to install new gen and it seems to be running fine.

I'm going to try the switch like Mitsurugi suggested and then attempt to reinstall 3s.
swapped SIMMs 1 and 2, also cleaned their contacts with a q-tip and some isopropyl.

3s installed fine and I played through a round of arcade mode

hit the test button then set it to free play and external sound

when I restarted the thing it threw up a screen about needing more memory. Gonna try and reinstall, not screw with the test menu, and see how long it'll run for

EDIT: looks like I need to replace some SIMMs cant seem to get past this now
s IMG_0537 (1).JPG
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That error can also be caused by a dirty cart. You can try cleaning the cart edge.
I would say check your cart, maybe clean and reseat it (a few times if necessary).
Swap your SIMMs around and if possible, replace that #2 64MB with a new/confirmed working.

It sounds like one 64mb SIMM is bad/failing, but it writes ok and that part is strange.
Always verify that cart has good contact, I've seen some strange errors solved by just re-inserting it a few times.
Tried cleaning the cart and inserting it a few times, no dice.

I'll probably try again after work because, why not. I'm hoping to meet up with a buddy of mine and if he is cool with it I'll try swapping some of our SIMMs around to see if I can isolate the problem to one particular stick.

I do appreciate the suggestions guys,
thanks again

EDIT: problem solved for now
It was SIMM2. There was corrosion on a few of the pins, some to the point where they had broken off completely. So after cleaning the SIMM up I re-flowed it, and put some wires in place to compensate for the busted pins.

All of the SIMMs were now noticed by the CPS3, however after trying to rewrite I received an "error 33".

I then cleaned the cartridge and the SIMMs with isopropyl alcohol, went into the DarkSoft menu and manually erased each SIMM, then rewrote 3rd strike. It has been operating fine for at least a day now.
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