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Jan 3, 2018
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Looking for a jamma loom to run along side jvs in my nnc Want the same or similar to the one FrancoB use to offer.

Man that would be great. If you don’t mind that would be much appreciated!
@Monstermug - I'm never going to get a certain project finished for us if you keep trying to find me work :D

@rogersta - I would love to be able to 'hook you up' but I've not made these for about 8 years. There are a lot of reasons as to why I can't make these currently but the short answer is I don't have the parts or time to make a batch of these. I used to fully test each one on my NNC which I no longer have and so would not be able to do. I would also make these differently nowadays which I would need to develop and test also. Sorry I can't help right now, I hope you find something to suit your needs.
It's been a while and I can't remember the full differences but I can see at least a few just by looking at the picture of the RS loom, maybe you can tell me.

Power - Mine were fully wired for -5v, 5v and 12v (+GND) with multiple 24/0.2 main power wires and additional 16/0.2 auxiliary wires. I also wired in an additional 9 pin AMP UP for use as a power IO for 5v + 12v power source / monitoring and also the ability to add -5v in via negatron or similar.

Controls - Mine had an inbuilt CPS2/3 kick harness with was 'fully linked' between the 10pin and 12pin AMP UPs and also buttons 4/5 on the JAMMA harness to make JAMMA+ support more seamless. I offered these in a couple of pinout configurations depending on the customers cab they were going into.

Audio - I used a voltage divider circuit (something I would change now) and all metal RCA connectors.

Video - I used a VGA breakout board modded with 220 ohm resistors (IIRC) via Molex KK series connector on the other side of the resistors.

Misc - I used a DPDT switch for the coin mech connection as IIRC there were issues with having both JAMMA and JVS wired in parallel. Using the switch allowed them to be both plugged in and reduce change over time/effort. I also added diodes to the credit/service piggy back loom as there were issues with inputs being held on certain JAMMA boards. I also offered the looms in two lengths to suit both sit down and stand up cabs.

There are probably more but my memory is hazy, as is my beer ^^
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That is way more feature rich, for sure. I'd be all over it if you made more.

I do think the River Service one will do the trick if nothing else is available. I'm pretty sure it is OEM, as well.
Tks @Monstermug for reaching out to @FrancoB for me!

Tks @FrancoB for replying. Big fan of hazy ipa myself. Completely understand. Appreciate your details on how your loom was built and how you would
Change it for future versions. Good luck with the current project(s).

Hopefully somebody else here would be up for making a few of these with your specs and changes/ updates .
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I have this in my NNC, and run it alongside JVS. Looks like they still sell them.
I have one of those too but I had problems with the VGA input when the harness was connected at the same time (even though no JAMMA PCB was connected). It looks like mine may be a bit older as the current one seems to come with a VGA connector to run the JAMMA video in via the VGA cable rather than into the other input on the monitor.

I'm also not sure how they intend the audio to be connected. IIRC they have JAMMA mono wired to two male RCA jacks. I guess they want you to just plug that into the amp, which is not a good idea.

The controls aren't daisy chained either (but the credit switch and test/service buttons are), so you need to swap back and forth.

I would say the RS harness is a great place to start but it needs some modifications. I'll post about it when I finally get around to it.
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