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Looks great, though I hate to think of all the setup involved in Groovy Mame. Would something like big box work?
Groovy Arcade is a pre configured linux distribution. Saves almost all "heavy lifting" if you can load the right rom set to match the base MAME version.
Project Update: Concrete is down.


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Doesn't that picture belong in the recent purchases thread :P

Nice slab
Project Update: Was in the city this weekend for a party, swung by a PC store and picked up a 5 port cheap network switch.

Will crimp some cables and test soon, perhaps next weekend?


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Been thinking of the monitors for this game and also the 4p PS3 Gundam Extreme VS Full Boost setup.

GSD (System 2x6) runs at 480p, Full Boost runs at 720p.

Most arcade games of that era I'd run on these setups are also actually 720p.

Originally I was going to get 4x 1080p 24" TN Gaming Monitors, pros: cheaper, smaller and easier to transport.
But then I realised that 1440p is a truly magical resolution, we're talking integer scales of both 720p and 480p.
So, 4x 1440p 32" IPS Gaming monitors, pros: magical image. Cons: Double the price, wont be transporting anywhere, takes up heaps of room.

What would you do?

Bit of a mock/temporary layout, set up for a Halo LAN atm. Currently waiting on the CPS2 IO's to use as "superguns" for Gundam. Gear is not final and is just monitors/speakers I have lying around.

It will feel more spacious when I don't have shelving and stuff in the way. I can't wait until I can get a builder to transform this space.
Looks great! I need a shed, but would get fried in the Brissy heatwaves...
Looks great! I need a shed, but would get fried in the Brissy heatwaves...
heh, I live in Mildura, let me tell you about heat waves that last for weeks..

It's step one, the shed is going to be insulated and a/c installed etc.. Hopefully before summer or I'll have to move everything back to the house.
Been a while since I updated this!

The shed has a glass sliding door, airconditioning and is fully insulated.


Today I finally got Gundam 4p setup, everything works and I'm so happy :)

Tomorrow I'll put in the IDE Simulators and try and figure out some better mounting for all this gear. Future plans involve proper desks and arcade cabs :)


The Sys2x6's run on a completely standalone network, to setup I used the following:
Connection Num: 4
Network ID: 1 through to 4.
Lines: 1


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Looks great @plasia - I know how hard you've worked on it, will be good to get some gaming in now!
The final picture is the shed completed? looks like an office space! good work.

Gone to some lengths there with that insulation will be nice and comfortable in the winter!
Complete enough to be usable, got the boys coming over soon to try it out. Later this year I'll put in carpet and setup things more permanently. Looking at desks instead of trestles, put some effort and planning into wiring etc...
do the gundam games play in english at all or are they japanese only?
You don't need to know English at all to play. That being said, the answer to your question is the only English Gundam VS game is Gundam Versus on PS4.
got a PS3? Try out Gundam Extreme VS Full Boost.
ok i bought a full bust for $16. funny enough both of my cabinets are extreme maxi boost on.