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Mar 12, 2024
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¡Hola everyone!

I'm excited to finally join this vibrant community and connect with fellow enthusiasts! Originally hailing from sunny Spain, life's adventurous journey led me to the picturesque landscapes of South Wales over a decade ago. While embracing the Welsh culture and charm, there's one thing that's been tugging at my heartstrings – my beloved arcade cabinet and treasured video game collection, patiently awaiting my return at a family member's abode back in Spain.

However, fate works in mysterious ways, and after navigating through the ebbs and flows of life, finding stability in both work and housing, I decided to reignite my passion for gaming a couple of years back. With renewed enthusiasm, I embarked on a quest to rebuild my cherished collection and recreate the nostalgic joy those pixelated worlds once brought me.

In my professional life, I work as an electronics engineer, delving into the intricacies of circuits and components. I'm excited about the prospect of participating in some projects within this community, sharing my expertise and learning from fellow members. I am currently building the usual consolised MVS arcade stick amongst other side projects so that's how I discovered the site.

Here I am, eager to share experiences, swap stories, and perhaps even uncover hidden gems within the gaming realm. Looking forward to immersing myself in this fantastic community and forging lasting connections!
