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For Sale
Probably tomorrow, dealing with installing new pool equipment, heater, etc...
Hatsune Mike lives near-ish me- we might be able to swing that DB, the E29,and the Swing in one go- I know Mike's been after an E29 if the logistics make sense for him- and there's a few fellas in our group after a DB- we might be able to help each other out.. Also- when you have a sec, shoot me a heads up on that topper I loaned you, if that's okay. My swing is naked lol.

(Sorry if I'm a squeeky wheel, I don't want to get lost in the shuffle)
All cabs are still available, cause I havent had time to even take pics respond to PMs, busy with the business/family. But I will try to get back to everyone.

The E29 might be off the table though, not sure yet.

Updated first post with a bit more detail until I can get pics up.
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I’m still interested in the super neo 29 and windy. PM’d you a while back.
Appreciate the heads up. I look forward to talking to you and at least getting an update on the Swing topper, too, please. Thank you!
Man the id7 is tempting, just wish it were closer as shipping would be a pretty penny.
Pics of some cabs, not everything and not turned on, Im moving storage units to save some cash.

E29 I say its a project because it has to be demamed, I have all the extra parts need, CP, etc..pretty much everything.

Swing - fully working (missing the topper which Im in the process of making repros)

Diamond Blacks are NIB

Super Neo 29 fully works ( has some internal mods, like sound amp, etc.. and a slight crack on the CP)

Windy II - I tested and works, but will need to be cleaned/overhauled for sure.


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E29 back on the table, since you took pics of it, @Derick2k ?
We'll see. Its a hard one for me to give up since I love the look of it. I would say out of all the crt cabs, its the one that that catches my eye the most.
Wouldn't have taken pics of it if you wanted to keep it! :P. *joking*.

For me, it was my first candy cab. I bought it from @DecepticonZero and sold it moving cross country, and have regretted it every minute since.
E29 back on the table, since you took pics of it, @Derick2k ?
We'll see. Its a hard one for me to give up since I love the look of it. I would say out of all the crt cabs, its the one that that catches my eye the most.
Wouldn't have taken pics of it if you wanted to keep it! :P. *joking*.
For me, it was my first candy cab. I bought it from @DecepticonZero and sold it moving cross country, and have regretted it every minute since.
Fucking cabinet almost killed us both. I still miss it.
If you could pm me price or post here please that be great, thanks.
Id be interested in

either of these if theoddtech passes

ID7 - $1,000
Groove Coaster 3 $1,000
Still interested in Super Neo 29 and Windy. What are you asking for them?
Super Neo 29 fully works ( has some internal mods, like sound amp, etc.. and a slight crack on the CP)
Got any pics of the crack?

Edit: Nevermind. Found it.