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E29 back on the table, since you took pics of it, @Derick2k ?
We'll see. Its a hard one for me to give up since I love the look of it. I would say out of all the crt cabs, its the one that that catches my eye the most.
Wouldn't have taken pics of it if you wanted to keep it! :P. *joking*.For me, it was my first candy cab. I bought it from @DecepticonZero and sold it moving cross country, and have regretted it every minute since.
Fucking cabinet almost killed us both. I still miss it.
Glad that you are back posting again bro :thumbup:
I had to pick it up this cab from a localish seller's basement (thanks @twistedsymphony for notifying me, if it werent for him i would not have this cab), the tightest stairs ever that had a u-turn/landing. I almost argued with the guy cause he was in a rush, I wanted to pull the tube, cp, speakers. He kept insisting that when he bought it was brought down without removing anything. I told him that there is no way that the cab went down those stairs with the CP and speakers installed, he said yes, so we wasted about half hour on this, to end up removing them, even then it barely made any clearance, so ended up busting his drywall almost the entire way up.
C'mon guys, go grab those cabs! We all know that @Derick2k only like the best things, so quality is out of the question.
Thanks D. But its all me here, I got a ton of PMs that I still gotta go through. Trying to see if I work out some trades first, if not then its cash :)
Almost every PM includes that they want the super neo 29 along with one of the other cabs.
lol. They are nice cabs.

Just hit me back when you have the time. Thanks sir
Haha, would it help if someone just bought it all in one go?
You are welcomed to come pick it up
Road trip?I haven't been down in years (last time I was in your place I set off the alarm system at like 4am).
Dont remind me, my wife grabbed my katana, told her I didnt want blood on it and to put that shit back. :D

I actually want to head up north, I needs to see Bill, etc...
Updated the main post, still going through messages.

As always, looking for a few pcbs/items, check my sig.
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I don’t envy your inbox. When you get caught up- I’m interested in the vewlixes. Thanks sir