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Not yet in stock or already out of stock at VGPerfection :/
Any other supplier in Europe ?
On the shop (paradisearcadeshop is listed with 20$ + shipping and on VGP is 19.64€ + shipping)
The stock hasn't updated on Paradise Arcade Shop, so I was wondering if price hasn't reflected either. I doubt its SOLD OUT already 🤞
This isn't a fair comparison, since I'm selling openkeys at cost. There are a few people that sell openkeys on a store front (they made them themselves) and charge $15-20 + shipping. A store front needs to make money on a product otherwise why sell it.
Didn't realize you sold them at cost, thanks for providing that service for us.

Understandable that Paradise and other storefronts would have to further increase the price. Paradise is great and it's cool that they distribute. undamnd deserves to get paid for his work, it's a great product.
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