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This has been the complaint regarding arcade cores, and the fact that mister devs refuse t o address the input issue for jamma/jvs cause arcade cores are just not important enough. And if you don't know what/how MiSTer is just got get rPi. Well that's the mentality. @invzim tried to explain why certain controls schemes needed to be implemented to MiSTer overlords but yeah he like everyone else suggesting anything got shot down or brushed off.
Yes, it’s unfortunate if the lead devs on the project are not really considering such feedback.

This does not replace the facts that fpga cores for arcade pcb preservation is definitely the future.
It is just that the operating system, mister, unlike SNK at his time, the future is not now.

Irken’s board tries pretty nicely to interact with mister in the context of an arcade setup. But there is nothing much that could have been done (maybe these two usb ports I mentioned would have been nice).

But yeah, other than that, for me, mister is just not ready. It’s « ok ». But I will most likely put the board back in a drawer most of the time for now.
19XX on a real CPS2 board for example will happily let you change the monitor rotation 180° in the settings, because that's an easy thing to do. There's not really a standard for which way you tate your screen, different cabs will be "upside down", so that's handy. It will not let you rotate the monitor 90° because that's a radically different operation.

They might seem the same at first, but they're not.

If you're looking for a more MAME-like experience, where you can freely change through games at will and the monitor rotation doesn't matter you need to work with digital out to a high rez screen. None of these products transform your 15khz jamma monitor into that. (And has been noted, even if they somehow could, the resulting picture quality would be pretty garbage looking, and beside the entire point of going through all the trouble of having games on a cab in the first place.)
Yeah I suppose so. But isn't the Blast a TriSync? I have to apologize I'm ignorant as far as resomolutions and Scaling, etc etc goes. I'm the type that thinks "its video. Just display the video."

While I'm all about better image quality, I just don't *get* why it has to be so complicated. These are 25+ year old games, (granted, running on 25+ year old monitors). You'd think these whizbang programmer/devs would have sorted it by now.

All said though, I have to say I'm happy with the Expander. No complaints what-so-ever. So my picking of nits regarding this issue are 100% not directed at Zim's product, or the MiSTerCade when/if it comes out.

Sure I'm more of a fighting game enthusiast when it comes to arcade games, but every once in a while I'd like to fire up Mercs, Gaplus, or Contra mainly for the nostalgia. It's a bummer I can't do this with my current setup. I've had my share of RetroPie installations and whatnot, and I'm (edit) - NOT meticulous enough to notice timing issues with software emulation (unless its like noticeable lag) but I like that I have pretty much the actual board running in my cab with the MiSTer. Plus, there are some console-only games that would rock on the cab (Genesis shmups, WeaponLord, etc). And to be completely frank - I kinda like the simplicity of the MiSTer OSD instead of using processing power for hyperspin backgrounds and little movies, etc. Those RetroPie images are sometimes just too damn busy.

Maybe I'll happen upon a vert candy cab in my adventures, but I kinda doubt it.
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A VGA monitor has enough vertical resolution to display tate games rotated. I don't have a MiSTer of my own, but I've seen Dodonpachi rotated on a Blast City monitor with one. I thought it looked fine? Certainly better than I expected it to look.
A VGA monitor has enough vertical resolution to display tate games rotated. I don't have a MiSTer of my own, but I've seen Dodonpachi rotated on a Blast City monitor with one. I thought it looked fine? Certainly better than I expected it to look.
Weird. I can't get any games that are vertical to rotate.
But isn't the Blast a TriSync?
Sure, but you're interfacing with it over Jamma, not JVS. The video signal is going over the Jamma edge at 15khz, the native resolution for all these titles. So your tri-sync is in 240p mode basically.

While I'm all about better image quality, I just don't *get* why it has to be so complicated.
I hear you, but you're kind of trying to make something simple complicated. These solutions (Expander, Mistercade) are meant for running games, in cabs, in a native way. Simple. That native way doesn't speak this extra language you're asking it to, that's the complication. Jamma games aren't 31khz (maybe some weird exceptions? Atomiswave?), the entire reason the JVS standard was created was to handle things like better video quality.

A VGA monitor has enough vertical resolution to display tate games rotated. I don't have a MiSTer of my own, but I've seen Dodonpachi rotated on a Blast City monitor with one. I thought it looked fine? Certainly better than I expected it to look.
Oh, 100%. At 31khz 640x480 it definitely works I think. I used to do the exact opposite of this conversation, I had a MAME cab with a vertical tri-sync monitor, and I would run a small selection of horizontal games with letterboxing on it. Worked just fine. But that's because you have 4x the resolution to work with.

Trying to do it at 15khz wouldn't look good imo.

I feel like there's an answer here, but it might be just plugging the Mister into like a JVS-PAC instead of a Jamma-oriented solution?
Weird. I can't get any games that are vertical to rotate.
They were plugging their Mister into the Blast over VGA I'm sure. See my above thought about using a JVS-PAC instead. You're not actually looking for a true Jamma solution really, you're trying to use your Blast's "full capability" rather than worrying about being authentic.
I don't see why it should matter if you have it connected to the jamma edge connector. It's just a connector. But again, I'm not a MiSTer or an Expander owner, so I don't know. You will have to change some things in the .ini, that I'm at least fairly sure of. It may or may not break other things.

Jamma games aren't 31khz (maybe some weird exceptions? Atomiswave?)

Atomiswave, Examu EX-board, System Y2, Arcana Heart, there's a few. I pipe Naomi in 31khz through jamma with a Sega JVS to Jamma IO too.
Anybody else running this in an Egret II cab? I can't adjust the voltage below 5.15, but it seems to work anyway. I think the issue is there is not enough "loading" on the 5V rail. Perhaps this could be corrected by adding a beefy resistor to the 5V rail to load it some more.
Finally got the chance to try the expander. The de10 kit took longer than expected to arrive. The first issue was the high voltage(5.41v). After dialing it down to 5.01v everything turned out well. The walk through in Irken's website is straightforward, noobs like me will get it sorted out in no time.
I only regret not getting another one when I got the chance. Hopefully it'll get restock soon.


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ITT: people who need to buy a multimeter or a jamma adapter with a voltmeter on it, for their normal pcbs
100% agree. I always use the reco adapter even as a passtrough to adapt if necessary as the pcb you plug can vary on the 5v it draws.
Unfortunate that the reco is not available anymore for now because it is really so useful and perfect.
The Reco is super useful that way. I was diagnosing a problem with the Mistercade the other day, which needs 12v, and my Windy power supply was struggling to give enough juice. It's easy to check with a meter, but it was watching the voltage live on the Reco that confirmed the problem.

This is PGM from that same problem checking session, 12v steady there, but just a handy pic of the Reco.

@Mackie for just voltage measurement, JNX Atlas / Voltmeter is a fine substitute for the reco

I don't see why it should matter if you have it connected to the jamma edge connector. It's just a connector. But again, I'm not a MiSTer or an Expander owner, so I don't know.
BTW I was just looking at the Mistercade docs and it explicitly calls out supporting 640x480. I assume Expander will do it too, so maybe it just a software side problem to be solved at some point.

In the meantime it seems like JVS-PAC or the like it probably an easier approach.
@andynumbers you should run a stock egret2 psu on a 100v stepdown. I’m betting you aren’t, which is why you can’t dial its 5v output low enough.
Go figure. I got the thumbs up from Mike to run MS9s on 120v with no issue, but I didn't realize the stock PSU can't handle it. I already went to the trouble of removing my internal stepdown transformers. I think I'll just ditch the stock PSUs and switch to Meanwells or something.