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May 26, 2017
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Sydney, Australia
Hi there,

there once was a time where I thought one candy cab would be enough for me. Well, now I have three, and still feel like I could use more... The reason for that is that I have much more boards than I have cabs (sounds familiar?), and I'm a huge fan of "setting up once, enjoy forever" approaches. So instead of getting yet another cabinet (or even more), I think I would be much better suited to have an extendable (stackable) Jamma router.

Imagine putting 24 (or more) boards in something like a 19" rack and be able to route graphics, audio and other I/O (including kick-harnesses) to up to 4 cabinets. Maybe even have a JVS version of it, so the maximum cabs you'd need is 2x JVS ones (1x horizontal, 1 vertical setup) and 2x JAMMA based ones for the same reason.

Before I go down the rabbit hole, I was wondering if I'm actually alone with wanting something like this? E.g should I think about a DIY one-off solution, or rather how to make a real "product" out of this?

I'm interested to hear everyones thoughts.
You're not alone. There are 6 way Jamma switches if I remember correctly, but they need a whole bunch of mods.

We have an open source Jamma extension, this would be an excellent next step for the EE who wants to do it.
Yeah, I know about those switches and the mods, but I'd really like to have more of a matrix switch with multiple "outputs" :)

Also has a six way switcher that I don't think needs mods for straight jamma, though you would for JVS/3.3v... I've ordered one just the other day for my Big Blue that's about to be stuffed full of Darksoft's Capcom multis, so I'll report back eventually.
Oh, nice to see some switches that don't need the mods at least. Do you know if it's only applying power to the "active" board (what I would prefer) or all?
Only provides power to the one board according to what he's written on klov

Also has a six way switcher that I don't think needs mods for straight jamma, though you would for JVS/3.3v... I've ordered one just the other day for my Big Blue that's about to be stuffed full of Darksoft's Capcom multis, so I'll report back eventually.
Cool, definitely look forward to that.

Anyone else have any experience with these? He sells kick condensers too. With this, the jamma extensions and those streamer things to output to a second monitor/capture I think my problem is solved, not quite the matrix switch the OP wanted though.
I'm also getting the kick condenser since they're all 6 button boards. And jamma extensions from him.
The Riddle switcher looks good, better than the aliexpress one wit the remote. I think his 6-in-1 would be awesome for my Cave CV-1000 boards as they are tiny PCBs and always on high rotation, but I would be shit scared something would short them all out in one hit :(
Would love to see some pics of how one would install a 6 way switcher + 6 regular size pcb’s in an average candy... :)

Still you would need to check and possibly adjust 5v when switching from one board to another, so keep that in mind as well
The switcher looks good. Would voltage not drop between the 1st and the 6th switch on the board?