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Maybe the best option for potential buyers is to fly down to @kcarcadegame warehouse and take a look and do some testing?

The trip will add a few hundred to the purchase of a cab, but for something valuable that most people will have for years or decades, it's a small price to pay. Heck, a lot of people would probably enjoy the experience!
I second this.
DO NOT BUY from online only unless you're going to restore. I've seen KC a couple times in person. The guy has literally hundreds of various cabinets jam packed in his warehouse, and he appears to be a one man show that works 24/7. He's super nice in person, can confirm language barrier as well. I don't think he means to be short with people online, but if you see how many cabinets he'll pull out of his massive warehouse with a forklift just to show you what you want to see (hours of work and risk), you'll understand.

I came one time to see New Astro Cities... he had 5, I came to see New Net Cities... he had over 10. He probably pulled out over 20-30 cabs just to make a path to view them, it's unlikely he'll move all that shit to take a picture of it for you. There seemed to be repeat customers that visit and cherry pick the best ones as soon as he receives a shipment. He doesn't seem to care about the differences between cabs, they all go for the same price. Expect little to no haggling power regardless of the cab condition or what you want. SO GO SEE IT IN PERSON, and watch these shipments and get there early! Otherwise you'll probably get shipped the leftovers from people who came in person and picked through the shipment.

I appreciate his business and posts on here because it allows me to see what he's receiving in stock.

If you're not willing to drive or fly out to see them asap, or do a restore, this thread is not for you.

Additional anecdote - I think he'd do really well if he hired one person to test/inventory and take pictures and deal with customers while he was loading/unloading and stocking cabs. If they could do it quickly alongside him. As is I can understand how people can feel mislead, but this is really a warehouse (prob B2B) operation.

On a side note, my mind is boggled by the number of cabinets he moves and where some of these cabinets in poor shape ultimately end up going. He never seemed concern with selling them regardless of condition. It makes me think the hobbiest community is simply a side business for him.
I've purchased one twin seater cabinet from him online. He provided ample photos on request and I was able to gauge the condition of the cabinet just fine.
The language barrier made things a bit difficult, however beyond that my experience was great and the last mile shipper which was arranged was top notch.

There was a thing about bank transfer which irked me a bit at first, but after he explained it (very thoroughly in fact), and after my buying experience, I'm not concerned about it.

It was Hikaru hardware, so I very much expected both system boards to be completely FUBAR, but it fired right up on delivery.

I plan to visit his warehouse in person for my next purchase.
He's definitely a very busy guy. When you're juggling that many things at once, especially if you're not dealing face-to-face, you're bound to have issues go un-noticed.

That said, I don't think it's okay for someone to not try and make things right post purchase if things are not as declared.
I have no way of verifying the information posted, so I'm going to have to go with my personal bias for now.
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It's fine if you all have strong opinions or want to share your experiences, but this isn't the place.

It comes up now and again, and the admins/mods and KC stans will complain that you shouldn't post your complaint here and should make a feedback thread, which I would also encourage doing.
They'd suggest that because it's literally part of the rules of using the sales forums here. Doesn't have anything to do with being "a KC stan".

Mitsurugi-w said:
Rule 6: We will not tolerate members poisoning another member's sales thread.
This is a sales thread. Complaints go elsewhere.
As far as trying to stifle a discussion, this isn't poisoning a sales thread, this is warning potential buyers to serious problems. That is what a community does, not brushes it under the rug. Like Cereth said, positive discussion is allowed to occur in sales threads, but someone brings up an issue with a seller and suddenly it's "All complaints must go here where people will likely not see them." Sounds bogus to me.

And while we're quoting the marketplace rules:
Rule 3: You cannot list an item as untested unless it actually is untested. It is expected that you will list non-working parts as such.
Rule 5: We ask that once an item has been sold that you leave the price so that people may refer to it in the future. If you keep a running thread simply list it in the first post somewhere. Example: Neo-Geo cart-----sold! $25
Rule 8: You must always represent your items for sale in a truthful, honest, and non-deceptive fashion. This includes item condition, taking care to mention any obvious blemishes that the buyer might find undesirable.
So again, why is it he gets a pass while everybody else is expected to strictly adhere to the rules? Do you have some input on that @rewrite?

Maybe the best option for potential buyers is to fly down to @kcarcadegame warehouse and take a look and do some testing?

The trip will add a few hundred to the purchase of a cab, but for something valuable that most people will have for years or decades, it's a small price to pay. Heck, a lot of people would probably enjoy the experience!
I second this.
DO NOT BUY from online only unless you're going to restore. I've seen KC a couple times in person. The guy has literally hundreds of various cabinets jam packed in his warehouse, and he appears to be a one man show that works 24/7. He's super nice in person, can confirm language barrier as well. I don't think he means to be short with people online, but if you see how many cabinets he'll pull out of his massive warehouse with a forklift just to show you what you want to see (hours of work and risk), you'll understand.

I came one time to see New Astro Cities... he had 5, I came to see New Net Cities... he had over 10. He probably pulled out over 20-30 cabs just to make a path to view them, it's unlikely he'll move all that shit to take a picture of it for you. There seemed to be repeat customers that visit and cherry pick the best ones as soon as he receives a shipment. He doesn't seem to care about the differences between cabs, they all go for the same price. Expect little to no haggling power regardless of the cab condition or what you want. SO GO SEE IT IN PERSON, and watch these shipments and get there early! Otherwise you'll probably get shipped the leftovers from people who came in person and picked through the shipment.

I appreciate his business and posts on here because it allows me to see what he's receiving in stock.

If you're not willing to drive or fly out to see them asap, or do a restore, this thread is not for you.

Additional anecdote - I think he'd do really well if he hired one person to test/inventory and take pictures and deal with customers while he was loading/unloading and stocking cabs. If they could do it quickly alongside him. As is I can understand how people can feel mislead, but this is really a warehouse (prob B2B) operation.

On a side note, my mind is boggled by the number of cabinets he moves and where some of these cabinets in poor shape ultimately end up going. He never seemed concern with selling them regardless of condition. It makes me think the hobbiest community is simply a side business for him.
Recommending all potential buyers fly out to look at his cabinets is a ludicrous suggestion. Especially in the face of a pandemic.

I've been to his warehouse to pick up a cabinet, as well. So I say all of these things knowing full well what his operation looks like.

It doesn't matter how nice he is in person or how many cabinets he's moving or whether he helped you with your history homework or whatever. At the end of the day, he's operating a business, online, on this forum. A forum that has users across the globe. If this were a forum dedicated to just SoCal users, then this wouldn't be an issue--you could all drive to his warehouse and get your pick of the litter--but that isn't the case, and it isn't feasible for everyone to go see him in person. So if he's going to operate here, then @Mitsurugi-w and @Darksoft have a responsibility to the community that he operates here in good faith. That means high resolution pictures of his products, clearly stated prices in the thread, accurate descriptions of the condition of his products, and full disclosure of 'any obvious blemishes that the buyer might find undesirable.' It also means adequately providing end user support when things don't go right with a purchase.

You're right; he would do well to hire an assistant or maybe two to help out with testing, photos, and dealing with the customers while he sticks to the logistics portion. But if his current and continued operation doesn't allow for that, then the community here shouldn't have to continually pay for that lack of service.

Like you said, he's clearly doing plenty of business outside of the forum, so I'm not sure why everyone here has heartburn about not allowing him to sell here if he can't abide by community standards.
So again, why is it he gets a pass while everybody else is expected to strictly adhere to the rules? Do you have some input on that @rewrite?
Yes, I think everyone should be held to the same marketplace rules. Post prices, leave prices, only sell untested if it's untested, and if you have shit to say about a seller, post it in the feedback section, etc. Bringing up other, unrelated, marketplace rules as your response doesn't make the lot of you not guilty of poisoning a sales thread.

Poisoning sales threads is against the rules. Saying "Hey, that was great, thanks for the cab" isn't. Why is that? No idea. Didn't make the rules. And while I may or may not agree with you/Cereth/whomever about that, it doesn't matter, because it's how it is, and it's not for you or I to decide the rules suddenly don't apply to us.

But ultimately, you should tag mods when you have questions that go to them, not me. I don't have answers for you, nor do I care to deal with how aggro you're coming off.
This again? Marketplace rules are important and should be followed. But more than anything else is having some common sense before spending thousands on antique electronics which have significant mileage and abuse on them while on location for years/decades. Do your research and if needed leave feedback in the designated place.
for the sale I have tested before shipping need clean the deal it is over a month ,one is damaged by the shipping ,I have Be responsible to help him some thing happen after a month try my best
KC, you should hire an assistant who is a native English speaker to help you. I bet you will sell more, with less issues.
here today


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I've bought from KC 4x already. he's super cool, easy to deal with and site with me and goes thru everything with me in his warehouse. The guy gets a bad rap by some people. He is literally a One man show. I've even offered to help him on weekends but I think he prefers to do it alone.
I love the guy., i'll keep buying from him
Love that Madonna and neo! I have an extra control panel laying around for the neo 25 and every time I see it makes me want the cab! Lol
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