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I've seen 4 different cyvern variants.
mostly the same with the "cyvern" text in a different color:
light green, dark green, and dark blue
and white text with a yellow background

I believe the light green is the correct color of the us label, and maybe the white/yellow the correct for japan?
Pic of a Cyvern kit - wish I could get the art set.


Kaneko Logo - Hope this helps

Kaneko Logo.png


  • Kaneko Logo Vector File.zip
    7.3 KB · Views: 148
I really love the Kaneko logo used on some of the Korean/Asain carts...
it's a "KA" followed by a cat face ("neko" is the Japanese word for cat)
you can see it here: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/ODc2WDEyNDQ=/z/ySsAAOSwuMZZHYQI/$_57.JPG

looking at that Cyvern kit pic got me wondering, has anyone ever seen the alignment instruction sticker on the bottom front of a non-Japanese cart?
Alright Bitches I got some more scans for y'all :D


in that file you will find:
Jan Jan Paradise Marquee
Jan Jan Paradise Instruction Strip
Puzz Loop (j) Marquee
Saru Kani (Vs Block Breaker J) Marquee*
Saru Kani (Vs Block Breaker J) Instruction Strip
Sengeki Striker (j) Marquee
Sengeki Striker (j) Instruction Strip
Sen Know Marquee*

These are all raw scans, the instruction strips are split into two scans since they were too long for my scanner.

*these two marquees are actually two separate pieces of paper side by side. I scanned them together as one marquee. I'm fairly certain that Saru Kani is positioned correctly because the swirls in the background line up, but I may have the left and right sides for Sen Know backwards.
Cool T! I gotta remember to scan that manual for you. I gotta move a ton of boxes to get to it, too many deliveries lately.

Maybe we can get @sellsellsell2000 to make some marquees/move strips for this system.
Cool, sent out a message to a fellow member to see if he has time to help in reworking these. So...lets hope he does. :)
OK I will get to work fairly soon with these. Things have been a bit .. hectic .. around here. I will work as I can but I won't be able to go full bore until after Thanksgiving.

Along with the scans I need dimensions for the labels.
Cool, sent out a message to a fellow member to see if he has time to help in reworking these. So...lets hope he does. :)
OK I will get to work fairly soon with these. Things have been a bit .. hectic .. around here. I will work as I can but I won't be able to go full bore until after Thanksgiving.
Along with the scans I need dimensions for the labels.
Awesome! Will get you some measurement, in mm ok?
Yep I can work with that. I can convert with the best of them :p
I recently printed a cut a new label for my Gals Panic S2 cart


more pics here: The Obligatory "Post Your Recent Purchases" Thread

For anyone that's interested I took my Sengeki Striker label scan, since it had similar system logos to the GPS2 label and then I cut out the Gals Panic part of the label that @Trol posted and then did a little bit of clean up in photoshop.

Here is the "cleaned up" label I made: http://web-nine.com/files/gps2_cleaned.zip
I need to learn how to use the pen tool better so I can vectorize this stuff.

For anyone interested in the details I used this paper: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000VKV2H4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
and I cut it on a silhouette Cameo 3 following this guide: http://www.silhouetteschoolblog.com/2017/10/how-to-make-print-and-cut-sticker-sets.html

I just have a whatever-model HP bubble jet printer. that photo sticker paper has a pretty damn perfect sheen to it.

If anyone has a Gal's Panic S label they can scan that would be awesome as my GPS label is completely trashed and I'd love to print a new one.
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hello there, the only carts i have as original are:

gals panic s
gals panic s2
gals panic su
panic street.

let me know if its helpful