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Feb 26, 2017
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San Diego
So I have this KI board that I can’t get the sound to play. I thought maybe it was something wrong with the negatron so I tested it on my MK2 board and the sound worked fine. When I start up my KI board I don’t get a ding but a constant loud staticky buzz. I tried sound test and don’t get anything still the buzz throughout the whole time the game is running. Game starts up and plays fine. I attached a video of what I’m seeing and hearing does anyone think it may be the sound Roms or maybe need to get a new flash disk any help with this would be great. I really want to play this board but can’t bring myself to do it without any sound lol. I have another video that shows the disk test was fine. And In the video the negatron isn’t connected but I still have the same sound.
Basics first I guess to get it out of the way? Please dial that down to 5.0x volts if you can. 5.20 is pretty hot.

It does need -5v like you said.

When you go into settings and to the "volume adjust" menu, up raises it and down lowers it. Is it turned up?

If all that is fine I'd check the sound roms, I do think they tend to go bad.
5.2v at the edge isn't uncommon for KI. Mine won't power on unless it's above 5.1v at the edge.

There are 2 LEDs on the board, one indicates sound activity (meaning -5v is present) and the other indicates hard drive activity - in the video it looks like your sound light is on, but could you confirm?
Hm, mine is fine at 5. I just plugged in my ki2 though they're basically the same board. Maybe the DOM draws less than the HDD or something.
Could be, different power supplies perform differently too. I have 2 DOMs here I really need to get around to making KI drives for
The sound light is on and the volume is up on the settings, how would I go about testing the sound Roms? I starting to think that they might be the issue.
The sound and music ROMs are the group of EPROMs in the corner, there's 8 of them, I personally doubt that all are faulty but I guess it's worth checking them.

From memory the type is 27C4002/4096

Edit: they're actually 4001
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Could be that the Negatron isn't supplying enough amperage. My double dragon does this with inadequate -5V amps.
Indeed. Could also be a bad amp or another part in the audio circuit
I also did a cpu board test from the diagnostic test menu and it came up test ok.
Yep. I tested another Wolf Unit and it worked though. Give me 10 minutes....

@ThankMeNever what power supply are you using?

Edit: Boots and runs with full sound and music...
He's using a JNX pass-through with incorporated Negatron. My Negatron circuit is different though, I think it's better.
Worth measuring the -5v for sure.

But for what it's worth, my KI2 booted up fine with a jnx spitfire + negatron. (... at 5.0v... :thumbsup: )
That's extremely helpful!

Trying to rule out simple possibilities.

Looks like it may be a board fault after all.
What’s is this spitfire I keep hearing about? My negatron is one that was recommended to buy when I Bought my adapter they said to get one from dimensions engineering.


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Should be fine. I run it on a blast with a negatron too