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Jul 21, 2015
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I've seen that BEEP Shop in Tokyo has figured out a way to revive their dead Konami Bubble System boards. Has anyone of you heard anything besides these snippets from Twitter? :)


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Once the magnetic storage inside the cartridge is gone there is no way to revive it unless they have used another support.
This is the ultra-rare ROM version of Gradius.Please, notice the price, you would need a loan to a bank... :)
Haha, I already have a Nemesis convesion, i'm fine with that ;)
This is the ultra-rare ROM version of Gradius.Please, notice the price, you would need a loan to a bank... :)
This was posted in the WTF sales thread - what about it makes it ultra rare? What other version is there?
It's rare because it has been produced in few units I think.
didnt charles mcdonald dump the bubble-memory games?
if there are dumps then you can re-write the unit from a dev board like an arduino.
i read the bubble datasheets once, they are pretty easy to program.
harder to use than program funny enough.
when you read a cell, it erases it - so for every read, you have to write it back - if you get power loss at the wrong moment then your probably in trouble!!
also, access is sequential in a loop - kind of an electronic version of a loop-tape!!!
Yes, Charles MacDonald was working on it but i didn't hear anything back from him.