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Might need to 3d print some type of support system for it.
If you have something in mind let me know. I've got a few Pis and net dimms kicking around to take measurements.another option would be a 3d printed lid that replaces the metal one, adds space for the pi and integrates the LCD there.

So, would still need to find a 5v source on the netdim to power the pi
I would think there is 5V available somewhere in the Net-DIMM no? the only question would be if there is enough juice to run the Pi without over drawing. I would think pulling from whatever 5V source is closest to the connectors would be the best bet.
Well, 3d printing an adapter/case to replace or attach to the metal lid that would house the pi and the lcd would probably be the best way to go. You can also make it so that it hides the crossover cable connection between the pi and the netdimm.
Wow, this is making progress. If I can get my hands on a resistor later I will test to ground. Also, the signal strength on the pi3 wifi is incredible so I'd say you might be safe enough putting it in the case without having to do anything to it.
Huge thanks to all for getting involved with this. :thumbup:
I have a Pi3 inside the Naomi case without issues with the wifi..

Also if you are after a little more space, the NetDimm fits into a Communication Link Board with a little persuasion :whistling:

2017-04-13 21.09.44.jpg
I have a Pi3 inside the Naomi case without issues with the wifi..

Also if you are after a little more space, the NetDimm fits into a Communication Link Board with a little persuasion :whistling:

2017-04-13 21.09.44.jpg
Thats actually pretty cool, maybe @twistedsymphony can make a cover for the link board? that can house the the pi and the lcd, etc..
OK, this is resetting my Naomi 2

Tested with and without resistor. Does this look ok?


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Yup exactly like Darksoft said.
Problem for me is that it still doesn't solve my hard reset/load game issue.
Naomi 2 resets correctly everytime with no net dimm connected
With net dimm connected the Naomi 2 begins resetting with screen going blank and at this stage it stays black and pi3 network connection does not load the game and machine just sits there.
I took my other Naomi 2 (which resets perfectly) and used the net dimm and pi3 from that on the problematic Naomi 2 and got the same results.
Yup exactly like Darksoft said.
Problem for me is that it still doesn't solve my hard reset/load game issue.
Naomi 2 resets correctly everytime with no net dimm connected
With net dimm connected the Naomi 2 begins resetting with screen going blank and at this stage it stays black and pi3 network connection does not load the game and machine just sits there.
I took my other Naomi 2 (which resets perfectly) and used the net dimm and pi3 from that on the problematic Naomi 2 and got the same results.
Glad to know it works. Question now is.... why your pi3 sits there? Obviously looks like a reset doesn't do the trick.

What is exactly a hard reset for you in this case?
When i turn on the Naomi 2 and select a game it loads fine, the issue arises when i go to load another game, I select it and the relay resets the Naomi, then i (more often than not) get blank screen and everything sits there, I can see the network output trying to do something and i wait but nothing happens. If i select the same game again the Naomi resets again but this time the game launches (more often than not), if it still gives me a black screen then i will select the same game again and then it will load. As I've said previously, I have tried another netdimm and pi3 and i get the same results, when i test both dimms and pi's on different Naomi 2 they work as expected so we know for sure the issue is within the Naomi 2 itself.
I think there is some kind of timing issue between the reset/restart sequence of the naomi and the triforce/piforce tools script. I have changed the timings of how long the reset relay should stay on for and the sleep time before triforce tools are launched and have gotten varying results, sometimes its more reliable when booting but never perfect like my second Naomi 2. Now, im no expert with this so im just going by what i see happening. it's not the end of the world for me if its not perfect but i am curious as to why its happening.
its also worth mentioning that the very odd time, (using default py time settings), the relay resets the system, i get black screen for a few seconds, and then the pi3 reset relay activates again which is strange.
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What relay are you using? I was having a similar issue with a naomi 2, but it was due to the relay I was using. Still sounds odd though.
Using the same relay I've used on the other naomi. I've also swapped netdimm/pi3/relay from a working setup and got the same random loading/not loading
Hmmm..switch the relay to the other fan or the other ic chip and see how it goes, just eliminating the possibilities :)

Also, are the naomi boards the same revision? Has one of them been worked on, say bey sega?
Both boards have 4.01 fw, same multibios and security chip. I've tried both fans separately and together with a double relay.
I don't know if Sega was working on one.
I thought so too but I used the same power supply that I'm using on the naomi 2 that works fine.
I have a spare powersupply that I can test later on just to be sure :thumbup:
Ok, I tried with another sun power supply and the results are the same, sometimes boots more often than not it wont, second or third selection of the same game and it will boot
Maybe you can add a delay after the reboot command on the pi? My thought process is if the board is taking a longer time to boot with the netdimm, maybe it's running extra checks or whatever, starting to respond to the pi, then cutting out. If that were the case, adding a second (or less) of delay to starting to send the game over may allow it to get past that point and boot normally.
I've been testing that with various times and again the results vary a bit, sometimes it improves and then I go to far with the delay and strange results happen such as the reset relay activation happens the naomi resets, black screen, no game loads, relay activates again and again blank screen and so on.
I will do some more testing on a finer time delay and see what happens.
Thanks for the input too :thumbup:
I've also contacted devtty0 and asked him if he could have a look