As a fellow mac user, who more or less refuses to deal with Linux/Windows except for gaming and servers, I feel your pain.
In general, on mac, one should watch out for any files in a removable media directory intended for general usage that start in either .XXXXX or ._XXXXX
The command listed "rm -rf ._.Trashes .Trashes/ .Spotlight-V100/ .fseventsd/" is good, but there are commonly other automatically created files as well.
MacOS has a horrible habit of cluttering up drives with these invisible files although they're moderately important from a mac point of view.
It'd be ideal if removable FAT32 drives were simply exempt from allowing finder to create these files, and instead force automatic deletion instead of the Trash, not support labels, not store folder view modes, etc.
Of course this STILL wouldn't help the issue of folders copied from somewhere else in the system that might already have these files, so the problem would still manifest itself under other circumstances...
Best course of action at current is to literally ls -la the card, and rm ANYTHING that starts with . or ._
oh well