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Sep 21, 2016
Reaction score
Gold Coast, Australia
I have an MVS cart giving me random blue lines through the screen. They look like text boxes and appear in places they shouldn't, with no text.

I have desoldered all C ROMs and S1 and the blue bars are still appearing. So it is not the fix layer and is being generated by P1 or by the motherboard itself.

Has anyone come across a similar issue?

Same thing happens on 3 motherboards (1F, 1FZ and a 2, so it is not a motherboard fault)

CRC checks out ok in UniBIOS

ROM has also been confirmed working in MAME
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it's probably a bad rom,
the problem may not show up in a programmer because the chip is only powered for a few seconds.

try heating or freezing each rom while it's running
It gets a bit more weird than that. The horizontal bars appear exactly the same on both of my 1 slot boards, but not on my 2 slot.

As long as I can play it I'm happy, but I'm still interested to know what's causing it.