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If we have to settle for DS version that means it coming!!!!
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Would have loved to see SF2 Rainbow and Koryu somewhere on the list. I have the "original" koryu and rainbow anyways, but then I could have stored them for my grandkids. lydz laoshi.
tried to buy but after 2 days it was cancelled because there was no stock, I think I am going to wait
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Lydz has said the 64 in 1 won't be available until the end of the year. Also, the game list posted is fixed.
tried to buy but after 2 days it was cancelled because there was no stock, I think I am going to wait
I also had this same thing happen after attempting to buy. I canceled the order and am waiting on a refund. Something just seems off about the process. Really would be helpful if the OP could just allow us some direct communication for orders.

Thinking it’s best to wait for Darksoft and crew to create one of there own. I would much rather have freedom of picking my roms anyway.
Thinking it’s best to wait for Darksoft and crew to create one of there own. I would much rather have freedom of picking my roms anyway.
We will release our kit either way. This kit has the advantage of no loading times, but ours has the advantage of complete freedom to load whatever you want.
Thinking it’s best to wait for Darksoft and crew to create one of there own. I would much rather have freedom of picking my roms anyway.
We will release our kit either way. This kit has the advantage of no loading times, but ours has the advantage of complete freedom to load whatever you want.
Also, this kit directly interfaces 3.3V ROMs with the CPS1's busses.
Also, this kit directly interfaces 3.3V ROMs with the CPS1's busses.
As often with chinese xxx in 1 boards to cut costs.
We will release our kit either way. This kit has the advantage of no loading times, but ours has the advantage of complete freedom to load whatever you want.
It shouldn't be too long loading CPS1 games.
Also maybe you could implement a fast boot option: once program ROMs are written you allow the game to boot even if graphics ROMs aren't ready yet.
It should result in missing graphics for few seconds during the RAM/ROM test so not a biggie. Then once graphic chips loaded you allow the game to read from them.
I would assume a DS CPS1 multi would work the same as the CPS2 multi, load a game but once is loaded it starts that game on next boot without any issues

Or does it not work that way?
Thinking it’s best to wait for Darksoft and crew to create one of there own. I would much rather have freedom of picking my roms anyway.
We will release our kit either way. This kit has the advantage of no loading times, but ours has the advantage of complete freedom to load whatever you want.
Also, this kit directly interfaces 3.3V ROMs with the CPS1's busses.
So basically it means that it will die soon eh?
Thinking it’s best to wait for Darksoft and crew to create one of there own. I would much rather have freedom of picking my roms anyway.
We will release our kit either way. This kit has the advantage of no loading times, but ours has the advantage of complete freedom to load whatever you want.
Also, this kit directly interfaces 3.3V ROMs with the CPS1's busses.
So basically it means that it will die soon eh?
I can't say that for certain, since there are a few important details we don't have access to.
Are the 3.3V Roms powered with a proper 3.3V regulator?
If so, maybe it's fine - that depends on how the bus is accessed and how the address lines are driven. I would be more worried for the 68000 and Z80 bus here, though given the CPS1 graphics chipset's notoriety with reliability, we are in a position to worry about everything.
If there is no 3.3V regulator, then those poor flash chips will run hot, suck a lot of power, and die relatively quickly.
It's always worth a few bucks to put in a few 16LVC245, or at least some current limiting resistors (barring anything else)
Just above the C board you can see two voltage regulators next to all the capacitors. It looks like it's handled fine. Looking at the silk screen motherboard there's actually 3 regulators.
Just above the C board you can see two voltage regulators next to all the capacitors. It looks like it's handled fine. Looking at the silk screen motherboard there's actually 3 regulators.
Regulators for the flash ROMs aren't enough. I gave details in my post.
cps1 50N1 现在可以购买了.
Cps1 50n1 can buy now.


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cps1 50N1 现在可以购买了.
Cps1 50n1 can buy now.
Just wanted to say awesome work, but still no Street Fighter Koryu or Rainbow Editions? :( -- I know those are two games I'd definitely want to play on a Multi.

Lydz, if you read this thread a few people have tried ordering this board through a proxy service but were unable to.

Could you potentially offer an easier and safer way to order this item by chance, or can you recommend a sure fire way?

Thanks in advance.
Good selection ! but I think some valuable titles are missing, like Pang! and Muscle Bomber 1 & 2