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Oh boy, can’t wait!

Btw. What would you need 4 oscilloscoops for? :P
Only 1 scope - and not a fancy one either. I blame Dave Jones of the eevblog for getting all this stuff :), but joking aside - most of it has been acquired during the development of the scaler as it got kind of techy and advanced (for me). Microscope is a must and the thing I probably use the most.

For your entertainment:
zim desk.JPG
Haha, awesome!
Not gonna ask what you use the tissues and CRT for ;)

But seriously, nice gear man!
Looking nice! Question though - is it possible to mount stand off feet to the board? I was going to use an extension cable and mount it to a board to make swapping a little less painful
Very possible - it uses standard M3 hex spacers with the screw part on the bottom. Some of them are 4mm screw length, which is too short for PCB feet, but others are 6mm which will be a straight fit. They will ship with acrylic covers on the top.
Thanks all for putting in your orders, and also for helpful suggestions about the website and stuff. I'll get cracking with the tri-sync helpers :D
where I can order one?
It's a little complicated as it's not yet launched. I hate lists, but there is a list of people that were interested - and they get first dibs on the first batch, which is what's happening this week.

Although I really want to just push through and get more boards right away, the sensible thing is to get the first batch out and get feedback on performance and potential issues. I have done extensive testing, probably as much as I can and the board is in it's 5th(!) revision - but there is unfortunately no substitute for real field deployment.

Let's see how the first batch works out - if all is good I'll do my very best to get more boards made up as soon as possible. My goal is for this to be the go-to solution with continuous availability and easy ordering. I guess it's not unlikely there will be a second smallish batch of the special edition, so feel free to shoot me a PM with real name, e-mail, country and details of your setup if you know it (cab/monitor/IO board) ;)

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