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Jul 23, 2015
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Has anyone got any tips/tricks for using the the Naomi and booting from CF cards? Something like powering the Naomi and waiting for a few seconds before powering the CF reader. Or powering all at the same time and then connecting the scsi cable after?

I'm re-visiting an issue I've had since I first got the kit - powering it on I get absolutely nothing 99.9% of the time.
Thus far only got one game to boot twice. I had a chat with Mitsu and Ace` last year, but we weren't able to come to a conclusion.

Opening it up for further suggestions if anyone has any :D

Here's what I've done thus far:
Powered the Naomi from the onboard Vewlix and onboard Windy 2 power supplies.
Powered the Naomi from a standalone NVS4000 power supply
Powered the CF Card adaptor from the Naomi,
Powered the CF Card adaptor from its own seperate power supply.
Upped and lowered the voltage to the adaptor from 4.9 - 5.1 volts
Various combinations of all of the above

If I connect the CF adapter WITHOUT a card, I get an error 25 - cannot access GD ROM drive
If I connect the CF adapter WITH a card, I get nothing (see below) but disconnecting and reconnecting the adaptor brings the Naomi to life, but I get an error 25 - cannot access GD ROM drive

If I connect the CF adapter WITH a card, I get absolutely nothing - blank screen, no input, the equivalent of nothing being connected or powered on at all
index (2).jpg

If I run a DIMM test WITH the adaptor attached, I get the following (i have to disconnect/reconnect the adaptor in order to get the Naomi to boot and go to the test menu)
index (3).jpg

The only time it has worked was powering the CF kit from an external supply, and powering it up before the Naomi.
index (4).jpg
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Your pics don't work.

Also, I'd replace the SCSI cable. There have been stories of aftermarket cables causing such hair pulling issues. Get an OG NAOMI cable. Short of that, Yaton has made the NetDIMM's plentiful. Getting a NetDIMM is easy these days. If using a regular DIMM, dump it. Switch to a NetDIMM and PiBoot or NetBoot.
Thanks for the heads up on the pics - copied from my PMs so they were still showing/cached in my browser!

I forgot to add about the SCSI cable - I got an official one, and then got another official one!. Two different cables, same issue :(

I'm tempted with a Netdimm...but it would be nice to get this working before I make the decision.
Your CF reader is the Summit Arcade reader that Mits sells? The only other thing I can think of is to reflow solder on your CF reader. Try doing it at the power pins first. Then the SCSCI header as a last resort. Some sort of grounding issue if you can get it to work on external power but not through harvested power from the PSU or NAOMI. When you say you fed it external power and it worked, leads me to believe that you used the separate DC jack to do that. If so, you powered it with a AC/DC wall plug? You did not use the separate CN connector on the reader when it worked, right? (Can't tell, your pics don't work. You'll need to download them and reattach them). Also, if you know it works being powered with the DC jack connection, I would get one of these 5v cinch DC plugs they use in LED lighting to source power. If anything, whatever DC wall adapter you used can be sacrificed to splice in wiring to supply the 5v from either the PSU or NAOMI.

Try another CF reader if you can get your hands on one. If that fails, dump it. PiBoot or NetBoot. NAOMI's library is too awesome to get hung up on stuff like that.
Pics updated 8)

Yep, it's the summitt adaptor. The only time I got it to work was running off a separate 5V wall plug. But even then, it's only a 2 in 50+ success rate. Powering directly off the Naomi has had a 0% success rate.

I'm hoping someone else has experienced similar issues and managed to find a workaround. If loads of other people have one, and it works fine for them every time, then it sounds like at least one part of my setup is duff
Where are you located? Update your profile.

I would reflow solder on the SCSI headers on the DIMM daughter board. That you were able to get it to work 2/50+ times tells me there is a solder joint that has broken off somewhere. Likely, it is the SCSI header on yoru daughterboard since that cable is so heavy. Doubtful it is the reader since that is so new. Pull your DIMM daughtercard. Take a nice pic of the SCSI header solder side. Blow it up and see on your PC if you can find a cold solder joint. Reflow that sucker which will be a pain since the pins are so close to each other.

I sent that same adapter to @Niko and it was given to me by @jugu. WhenI had it, it worked fine and was powered off a splitter on the PSU. Niko hasn't mentioned he has any issues with it that I know of. But I did run it off a NetDIMM not a regular DIMM. Don't think that matters though.

I'd be willing to try your CF reader on my NetDIMM setup. If it works, then it must be your DIMM. Then I can try my CF reader on your DIMM. Also, I can try my GDROM on your DIMM to rule out if it is your DIMM. if you would be willing to pay for the shipping back and forth.
75% of the time a converted normal dimm works great. 25% of the time they can be a real headache. NetDIMMs are much more reliable for CF booting but a good working normal dimm does just fine.

BTW if you own a NetDIMM that only boots to a black screen after checking voltages, etc the fix is most likely reflowing the two large CPUs on the daughter board. I fixed one a customer sent to me as junk along with some regular dimms to convert. Told me to keep it for parts. It was a nice surprise for them when they got the package back. ;)
Thanks for the updates chaps.

I’m gonna have a go at getting a Netdimm, and see if that helps. If I can get that to work consistently, then hopefully I can resolve the normal Dimm issue too
If you end up NetBooting/PiBooting, remember the zero/null pic code is different from that for CFBooting.
First part(s) got... :thumbsup:

I'll still definitely try and get the CF kit up and running via the Netdimm too
Netdimm received, relevant stuff done, bingo, worked first time!

Thanks for the info/help chaps. Very much looks like it will be something to do with the SCSI header on the normal Dimm.
I'll have a look over it in due course, or I might just put it in the oven for a bit ;)

Moving on, the Netdimm and Pi have been connected up, checked stuff (thanks for the guide twistedsymphony) and again, fired up first time :thumbsup:

All I need to do now is get an I/O that works with all Naomi games, seeing as the Konami isn't! :S


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I think you'll also find the CF kit boots consistently with your netdimm as well.
Yeah your normal DIMM is just one of the troublesome 25%. Sorry. :(
You can also rule out if the issue is the mainboard on your DIMM by swapping out the daughterboard with the daughterboard from your NetDIMM.
  • Move the pic and the daughterboard from your NetDIMM, then install them on your regular DIMM.
  • Reset the jumpers on the regular DIMM for NetBooting
  • Net/PiBoot your DIMM mainboard installed w/NetDIMM daughterboard and pic
If that works, you can generally rule out the DIMM mainboard as being the culprit. If it doesn't work, then your mainboard is likely the culprit. Reflow solder as prescribed by Mitsurugi-w earlier if you wish to try to repair it.

Then work to rule out if it is your regular DIMM's daughterboard.
  • Attempt to CFBoot your NetDIMM mainboard with your regular DIMM daughterboard
  • Reset the jumpers and use the CFBoot pic
  • CF Boot this configuration
If it doesn't work, reflow the solder on the SCSI header and give it another whirl. If it doesn't work, put back together your NetDIMM and the keep the regular DIMM around as a parts board :)