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Feb 8, 2017
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So I recently got my Naomi and everything seemed to be going pretty well I installed my Zero key a got from mitsu. Tests seem to work fine and loading games works to a point. I’ve been able to play half a match of CVS2 and then suddenly the video and audio stop. What could be causing this?
Are you using a sun or a atx power supply? Of course check all connections.

Maybe painting the fence a little too hard?
Its just cutting to a black screen, using an ATX PSU on the test bench
It seems to be fine if I leave it at the title screen but shortly after getting into a fight video and audio just stop
Voltage don't need to be exactly 5v. If you don't have enough current (or unstable) even with the round 5 volts the PCB will freeze.
the voltage indicator on mine stays between 5.05v and 5.15v when playing it doesn’t dip or anything when it cuts off. About to test the other supplies and report back
Tried the other atx PSU made it to the second fight this time before it cut off voltage was 5.20 when it cut off
I'll experiment more in my blast city this afternoon and see what happens, so I'm assuming just cutting off like that is a too much or too little voltage thing?
also check the small fans - if they stop rotating the protection will cut power to most of the chips.
also check the small fans - if they stop rotating the protection will cut power to most of the chips.
I’ll check that I can still hear the main fan running when this occurs any tricky spots I should be aware of?
I'm going to try putting it in my Blast City today and see what happens, I have the 001 loom so I have power for the naomi coming off the loom, should I just use that or should I still power the naomi via the power coming off my Capcom I/O board?
so I moved the naomi to my blast city cabinet and when it powers up I get error 01 "THIS GAME IS NOT ACCEPTABLE BY MAIN BOARD" but if I move it back to my test bench then I have no problems aside from the video and audio cutting out after a while. Managed to get the second level boss on metal slug 6 before it cut out again (noticed the voltage was
v5.20 when it cut off playing metal slug again) but CVS2 usually does it right at the start of a fight if not half way through. Including pics of my test bench setup but I can’t understand why it would work on my supergun but not on the cab. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.




If I take this and move it to my blast and plugin the jamma edge and vga I get no video on the blast, if I pull the power from the capcom IO and use the power cables on the loom in my cab it starts right up but gives Error 01. This is odd.
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So I believe my loss of video/audio issue is power related but can can anyone tell me why I might be getting Error 01 only when powering the NAOMI via the blast?
Maybe the voltage is too low on one of the rails? The cabinet mainly runs CPS2 games and I haven't had any issues with those. Just grasping at straws now.