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This is really cool - I haven't seen a DIMM converted like that to run with the compact flash cards - is there a kit out there to do this?

That's interesting. How does the bug manifest?
That's interesting. How does the bug manifest?
The Naomi doesn't "catch" the card on boot up, there is a high probability on that issue. 30 seconds of black screen and error 25. The Naomi internally makes many tries if this thing comes up, so you have to disconnect and connect the GDROM again, so my system simulates that.
Im also open for trades 👍 PCBc CPS2 NANAO MISTER etc
The Naomi doesn't "catch" the card on boot up, there is a high probability on that issue. 30 seconds of black screen and error 25. The Naomi internally makes many tries if this thing comes up, so you have to disconnect and connect the GDROM again, so my system simulates that.

Any chance of you documenting your fix @Tailsnic Retroworks ? interesting stuff, I am guessing this is why Sega didn't officially support 4.01 firmware on non net dimm boards.
interesting stuff, I am guessing this is why Sega didn't officially support 4.01 firmware on non net dimm boards.

How was it supposed to be officially supported when there's no way to update one?
From a gdrom disc, the same way you officially updated triforce, chihiro and yes even naomi net dimms. :)
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As I said the 4.01 update disc won't update a non net dimm no matter what firmware version it is running.
So this is plug and play directly onto a Naomi? I dont need to worry about any chipset/firmware anywhere?
As I said the 4.01 update disc won't update a non net dimm no matter what firmware version it is running.

Yes, it will. If you have a non-net dimm with 2.xx or 3.xx fw, the disc will update it.
No it won't, go try it yourself before spreading misinformation.
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Fair enough! Unfortunately, I don't have a disc here. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work, but what do I know.

I was just questioning if it's a case of being officially supported or not when there is literally no way to update a non-net dimm that is on Sega 1.02 fw.

Anyway, if we circle back to Tailsnic's discovery, does that then not happen on a netdimm when CF booting?

For the record, I have two Naomi games running off CF cards right now. Non-net dimms that I have installed new flashes on. I have never gotten Error 25 on either of them. Not saying it doesn't happen, it just hasn't happened to me.
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