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I actually tried taking one of these batteries apart and then replacing them only to find it makes no difference to what i can tell.
What do you mean, doesn't make a difference?

I took mine apart and replaced the cells with some new Panasonics. With a full charge it kept the game in memory for over two weeks on a Triforce.
Yes it didn't do anything like save game data or anything. A reset meant I had to reload it all in memory again. Or is it just for saving scores game settings? I wanted it to save the actual game inside the memory so a reboot didnt mean having to reload it all back into memory.
The battery keeps the game loaded up in ram and saves settings/scores.

Did you give it time to charge?
Sounds to me like your DIMM is faulty?

saves settings/scores

I don't think this is very common. The only game that I know of that saves settings in DIMM RAM is OutRun 2 on Chihiro.
Weird. My Naomi had a dead watch battery in it so I know that wasn't saving anything.
After I received the battery pack from matthewbeall I noticed my highscores and Freeplay setting were sticking around between power cycles in addition to not having to reload the games.

I've only used this battery netdimm with Naomi gun games. Maybe there's the difference?
Does your motherboard have the supercap in place? I think that's wired in parallel with the battery. So as long as the supercap is charged, it will keep things in memory for at least some time (days, probably not weeks).
It was a net dimm and it was working and playing games like it should. No errors or anything in test. I was using a rasberry pi to load the games though. Maybe that was the issue? Was paired with both naomi 1 and 2 with same issue.
Oh right, that might actually make a difference. It should first do a CRC check and if the RAM CRC matches the one for whatever is about to be loaded, it will skip loading it (as it's already in memory). I think this has been edited out from some of the RasPi loaders to make it faster to load a new game.
Just throwing this out there fwiw: before my netdimm had a battery in it after I transfergame (I don't use python scripts) it would do the ram verification after receiving the game binary. After battery installation there is no ram verification either after transfergame or power on. I've never messed with the crc setting.
Oh right, that might actually make a difference. It should first do a CRC check and if the RAM CRC matches the one for whatever is about to be loaded, it will skip loading it (as it's already in memory). I think this has been edited out from some of the RasPi loaders to make it faster to load a new game.
I didn't have any original Naomi games. I probably got almost all of them now but never bothered to try it again. Probably worth a shot with this new info. Thanks.
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