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Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know what this error means exactly.

It was working fine like a 3 weeks ago.


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Error 01​

Cause: The ROM BOARD (or DIMM BOARD) is not connected correctly to the MAIN BD. The NAOMI 2 ROM board is mounted on the NAOMI main board.
Countermeasures: First, turn power off, connect the ROM BD (or DIMM BOARD) correctly. If the status is not improved yet, the board may be malfunctioning. The NAOMI 2 ROM board software cannot run with the NAOMI main board. If you want to run the NAOMI 2 ROM board software, replace the NAOMI main board with the NAOMI 2 main board.

So either you are trying to boot a Naomi 2 game on a Naomi 1 board or you just need to reseat your netdimm

Error 01​

Cause: The ROM BOARD (or DIMM BOARD) is not connected correctly to the MAIN BD. The NAOMI 2 ROM board is mounted on the NAOMI main board.
Countermeasures: First, turn power off, connect the ROM BD (or DIMM BOARD) correctly. If the status is not improved yet, the board may be malfunctioning. The NAOMI 2 ROM board software cannot run with the NAOMI main board. If you want to run the NAOMI 2 ROM board software, replace the NAOMI main board with the NAOMI 2 main board.

So either you are trying to boot a Naomi 2 game on a Naomi 1 board or you just need to reseat your netdimm
Hey thanks for the info I appreciate it. I just tried reseating the net dimm and still the same.. im running a Naomi 2 main board and a net dimm with the pi 2 (i think can’t remember) with piforce v1.5 setup.

When i try to ping the netdimm it says its unreachable :\

Also what voltage range is good for the naomi when running the netdimm and the piforce all together.


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I'd see if you can try / borrow / buy a regular game, and see if it fires up, if it does it's your net-dimm, and then I'd suggest sending it to irepairsega.com
Is there a way to get "currently playing GAME" and/or "Last GAME Played" (just the game name) to be displayed in the 16x2 LCD Display?
Yep! Added to feature request list

Is this so you don't have to scroll through the list to play the same game again? out of interest, how may people still use the LCD screens? It's dead easy to add more features to display information on the screen, does anyone have more requests?
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Check your updates everyone, new release is out, in brief:

SRAM save and restore in OSM (use the test switch on the Naomi to access the menu)
ID card emulator refresh - now includes JP support
Naomi netdimm hori/vert setting for OSM auto filter
New settings definition files for OSM (hold start on a game to access the menu)
Fix time hack code (I broke it)
MiFare card support 1k/4k
OpenJVS Hat Rotary support
OpenJVS Hat serial port support for card emulator
NFC netbooting
Main Menu System filter (toggle in Options)
Basic File Manager with console (available under Manage WiPi)

Hi @chunksin - is there any trick to getting the serial connector on the OpenJVS Hat to work? I unplugged my adapter from the usb->serial adapter, and plugged it into the serial port on the hat (with a M-M gender changer in between) - and "enabled" the option under setup.

It doesn't seem to find it.

I see this process running:

python3 /sbin/piforce/card_emulator/idcardemu.py -cp /dev/ttyAMA2 -m id3

The jumpers on my Hat are all to the LEFT (when looking at the hat with the wording the right side up) - so pins 1/2 are connected.

Using the hat serial you need to loop CTS and RTS at the Naomi connector and switch TX and RX pinouts. The hat only has TX, RX and ground hence the need for the loop. Info is added to the latest manual update
@chunksin sorry if this has already been mentioned. It looks like the webpage got corrupt somehow?

Also when you go to update netdimm firmware, if you are on v4.03, it’s says current firmware UNKNOWN

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Is this so you don't have to scroll through the list to play the same game again?
No. I just want to see some information on the Display. Like "Booting", "Uploading", "Playing xy" etc. I couldn't care less for the buttons on the screen (since i select games by web browser). The display is nice to see something is happening.

Currently i am testing a 3,5" touch display. Is there a way to rotate the screen to use it in landscape?
I was thinking about updating this to use a higher resolution oled screen with buttons and a mini joystick to update the old LCD but I can only find small bonnet sized boards rather than full size hat boards. There is a way to rotate the LCD, the instructions are in this thread, back a few pages, just a few files to update.

Had a quick look around and the GFX Hat and Hyperpixel 4.0 screens look pretty good as updates to the existing supported screens
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I upgraded my WiPi and Death Crimson OX is listed in the Digital (Stick) section instead of the Lightgun one. Don’t know if it was that way before, just a heads up as it also set the OpenJVS to generic instead of generic(shooting).

Also is there a way to tie a netdimm to a type of controls? Let’s say always send driving games to netdimm A and shooting games to netdimm B.
I compiled a daemon for my Tucson Logic JVS bridge board and created a systemd service for it to run under WiPi. If anyone is interested, I could do a PR to the project.
Now I can connect my USB controllers to the Pi and use them with my Naomi :thumbsup:
Also is there a way to tie a netdimm to a type of controls? Let’s say always send driving games to netdimm A and shooting games to netdimm B.
Nice idea - will add that to the next release
I compiled a daemon for my Tucson Logic JVS bridge board and created a systemd service for it to run under WiPi. If anyone is interested, I could do a PR to the project.
Now I can connect my USB controllers to the Pi and use them with my Naomi :thumbsup:
Very cool! so that communicates between the controllers plugged into the Pi and the Tuscon Logic board? OpenJVS works in a similar way, is there any reconfiguration that needs to be done with that board that you could add to a webpage?
Very cool! so that communicates between the controllers plugged into the Pi and the Tuscon Logic board? OpenJVS works in a similar way, is there any reconfiguration that needs to be done with that board that you could add to a webpage?
Yes, it reads /dev/input/js* and redirects to JVS based on a map file. I guess this mapfile could be created/updated via the webUI?
Here are the files (renamed to .txt)

I'm reusing the existing link created by UDEV, as it uses /dev/ttyUSB0 too.


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So I got around testing out the OpenJVS hat. Took my previously used 3B+ with WiPi, I enabled OpenJVS in the settings, under manage netdimm I selected the netdimm as OpenJVS device. Shutdown, removed the touchscreen, installed the hat instead. Took the USB cable out of my jamma JVS IO, plugged it in the hat. Put in my previously synced 8bitdo adapter V2 (top left for player 1). Booted the setup, the Xbox One controller syncs, and that's it, controls won't work. When I check with evtest, it identifies as (after replacing the caps and spaces) 'microsoft-x-box-360-pad', which already has a config. Rotary is in position 0, jumpers all to the right, as I'm not using a Pi4. What am I missing here? :)