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Found the info on the CPS2 ... Hope new stock is coming .. This is amazing

I'm just now gettin caught up. I've only ever run MAME but when I randomly heard about the MVS multi cart I decided it was time to connect mine to my cabinet, which is a really sweet custom can with tons of features and perfect for MVS and CPS ... 6 buttons plus P1/P2 start and three extra buttons that can be assigned to anything , also put in a trackball and a spinner along with two 8-way/4-way joysticks , all HAPP of course I'm a refitted NBA Jam cab with the original 27" arcade monitor .. It's super sweet
I'm really excited to get this all going. Watching the video about how to set up CPS2 and when I just looked on eBay, none of the listings say which revision the boards are as far as I can tell ...
Where is a reputable, reliable seller for CPS2 boards, preferably Rev5,6 or 7 ?

Or barring that , what should I be looking for and what questions should I ask from sellers who have no clue what they have ?
wait... WHAT? There is a CPS2 multicart?
Oh man... It's been out for a while now...I've even ran encrypted/battery protected games on it. (you know Arcade Hacker just released a CPS2 key writer publicly, no?)
Save your money for the Darksoft cart.

The 161 is full of bootlegs and it isn't that well built in the first place
People like to bash the Chinese cart, but without this cart (and similar ones) MVS original carts would cost now a fortune, and we gamers don't like that :)

Now we just need another $50-ish Chinese alternative for AES, and additionally some premium quality multis like darksoft ones.

Everything has its place in the market :)
You could always buy the 161 in 1 Neo Geo cart for around $100.

Here's the game list:

I had the opportunity to try one of those 160-in-1 carts and it was super glitchy - kept restarting or freezing while playing. Maybe i just had bad luck but the thing seemed to be an absolute piece of shit
thank you Milspex !! My sentiments exactly . I have a 100-in1 that came with this consolized single slot... it's cool and all but there are little glitches that bug me and I'm also NOT a fan of the KOF series from a purely artistic standpoint (I prefer the capcom cel-shaded look and feel).

These damn boot carts have fifty iterations of "King Of Fighters Super Happy Fun Time No Potato " for me to even consider gettin another that has a few of the games I really would like to have such as Viewpoint, which by itself is not only hard to come by but quite expensive. (The Sega Genny version is ok but not as polished)

No, I would much rather pay a bit more and know my money is going to someone who is actually doing something for the scene which may indeed cause a ripple effect and open up development for new games and emulators for the Neo Geo, which would be freaking amazing

Speaking of which, has anything come out of the CPS2 camp with the rom kit? Has anyone created or ported new games to it? I always wondered if it could run CPS1 games under the right circumstances, not unlike how Donkey Kong Remix grew out of one clever dude making the original board rom work on the Z80 based Tandy Color 3, which if you have not tried, it's one of the best ports of the game ever made. It's damn near perfect and now you can get the roms in a kit that will upgrade your existing DK PCB provided it is in good working order and does not have a particular version of the Z80 processor that apparently has glitches and won't run the Remix ROM.


Anyway, point being, these are the kinds of innovations that open things wide, not unlike KRIKZZ's Everdrive carts, that have made classic consoles cool again and actually raised the resale prices on original classic gaming hardware... Go look at what a nice NES, SNES or Genesis setup goes for today compared to just five years ago and you'll see what I mean. Carts & repros too have been revitalized because people found games they never would have tried or known about without the advent of emulation & these flash carts

I myself went out and bought several games due to that very phenomenon.

It's a "thing"... it may fly in the face of old criticisms that would have you believe that flash carts and emulation takes away from the value of our collections... Speaking as someone with feet planted firmly in both camps, my collection has become far more valuable for the very reason that now classic gaming is a main stream hobby.

More access means a larger userbase. It's simple economics. ROM use is now commonplace and widespread . I always said you can't put the the genie back in the bottle. I suffered many a furrowed brow over using emulators and downloading roms in the early 2000s... Now they sell them in kits like the game elf or these bootleg multi carts and nobody says "boo". It does not hurt the market it expands it, I've always maintained that. You can't demonize or vilify people for using technology to do things easier, faster and cheaper.

You adapt or sink.

This new MVS flash cart is exactly the kind of thing that Neo Geo should have made themselves. They came out with that handheld and the reason it didn't last was due to them trying to keep it a closed system. That's like inviting hackers to dinner at a bank... It was stupid. Now those handhelds sell for $200-$300 and the reverse SD card reader thingy sell for $50 a pop ... You gotta be open with technology and allow people to do what they want with it. Anything else is just extremely shortsighted in this day and age.
I had the opportunity to try one of those 160-in-1 carts and it was super glitchy - kept restarting or freezing while playing. Maybe i just had bad luck but the thing seemed to be an absolute piece of shit
Maybe we should start a new topic.. 160-in-1 is glitchy, but is consistently glitchy.. so there are always the same glitches in the same games ad in the same situation. Random stuff doesn't sound like the normal behaviour of the 160-in-1 but maybe some other issue.. can be voltage or can be possibly that the cart is not perfectly inserted.

You should not buy the card because of the 160 games, but because of the 30 or 40 games that work perfectly.. In the $60-ish range there's anythng similar.. and probably there will not be anything similar in the future. Let's face it, for this price I have seen *empty* new neo-geo shells for sale.
I had the opportunity to try one of those 160-in-1 carts and it was super glitchy - kept restarting or freezing while playing. Maybe i just had bad luck but the thing seemed to be an absolute piece of shit
160-in-1 is glitchy, but is consistently glitchy.. so there are always the same glitches in the same games ad in the same situation. Random stuff doesn't sound like the normal behaviour of the 160-in-1 but maybe some other issue.. can be voltage or can be possibly that the cart is not perfectly inserted.
My main problem and why I am so happy about the darksoft is that the 161 roms were mostly made at max difficulty. The ability to change Soft Dip is awesome.
What do you guys think of the Kit's menu? As you can see, you navigate with the joystick using the snapshots that you can see for each game. It can get a little bit tricky if you have to navegate over 200+ games, we will see. What do you guys think?


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