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Aug 5, 2018
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Hey guys, I come bearing gifts:
System 16A 2.0 Schematics - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v7cyPBdQm3mg_MCXk0vj-4IHlpH5dmn5/view
System 18 Schematics (Partial) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EwnwaDPGr_eDXOomsDTKIprU65Bwz33Y/view
System 32 Schematics (Partial) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e2IddEfNwnbM8oSHfzzec0rT5j6ZL8Ga/view
Super HangOn Schematics (Rescan) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DtmlNc7s2-Q60lNLeJrV4XRbkTgW68ew/view

I've had three original schematics fall into my hands for Sega arcade hardware, and a System 16A 2.0 scan done by another party.

The System 32 schematics are unfortunately missing the first page, which covers the CPU, RAM, and bus arbiter, but all the other pages are there. This page should be easy enough to mostly reconstruct, as we have the pinouts for the RAM and CPU, and many of the lines from the bus arbiter are named and exposed as inputs to other pages of the schematics, so it'd be a relatively quick process to fill in the blanks with some quick tracing on the board. I'll scan in the missing page if it turns up.

The System 18 schematics are very incomplete, with only the last page being present. That sheet names all the lines on the various connectors on the board. Fortunately with the work jotego did to trace out the board, we already have system 18 schematics, so this sheet can be used to add "official" names to the various lines mapped out in that process. If the rest of the pages turn up, I'll scan them in.

The Super HangOn schematics are a unique copy, distinct from the one which has previously been circulated, which is helpful because those schematics were the lowest resolution ones available and hard to read in places. I'll be placing a new higher resolution scan of those online later today (Edit - Link now added). These schematics are complete.

The System 16A 2.0 schematics describe the single-level system 16A hardware with the separate ROM board, often (incorrectly) named as "pre-system 16". It's this one here:

This hardware came after the original System 16A 1.1 version, the schematics for which have already been scanned. We now have the scans for the 2.0 version of this system too. These schematics are complete.

If I eventually have the time, my plan is to put documentation and information up for all the Sega arcade hardware on my site at http://techdocs.exodusemulator.com. Until then, you can find a lot of materials uploaded to the backing google drive for the site at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1011Us5E-AvRVPPhTkg7gdDacz5CbqP-M, including all the publicly available Sega hardware schematics that have been shared to date.
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Awesome thanks for sharing this.
After countless searching this is the first system 32 schematic i've seen, just goes to show that while the scans clearly do exist people are just holding onto them but in this case we're fortunate enough you are not one of those people!
Awesome thanks for sharing this.
After countless searching this is the first system 32 schematic i've seen, just goes to show that while the scans clearly do exist people are just holding onto them but in this case we're fortunate enough you are not one of those people!
Yeah, this has never been out there publicly for sure. I've been archiving stuff like this since 2002, and I've never seen or heard a sign of System 32 schematics.

There probably genuinely aren't a lot of them out there though, at least anymore. What's interesting to me is the rescan of Super Hang On I've just put up. It has the same copy number and date in the stamp as the already scanned one, but it's a unique "copy". My version is cut off slightly at the bottom of one of the pages, but not on the page itself, from the source. The stamp also explicitly says (in Japanese) that the copy is made for the Sega of America service department. I think what happened is this - Sega of Japan sent a fax of the schematics to Sega of America. The arcade service department in Sega of America (number written in pen at the top of the System 32 schematics I just scanned) would send out a fax of that fax on request to "approved" arcade service centers in the US, possibly with strings/costs attached, who knows? The only source of these schematics outside of Sega now would be in the document hoards from former service centers, which is where these documents I've just scanned originated from. Outside the US, I doubt they handed out the schematics at all, or if they did, none have surfaced publicly. All the private schematics we have now in the public domain seem to be copies that were handed out by Sega of America, based on the stamp marks.
I was wondering why system 32 needs a extend board I/O board 837-7968, if CN-B has Player 3 and 4 on it and PGT 0 - 7 fits perfect to be start, bottom 1-3 for both player, also they are linked on a RA10&12 and IC1&7.
Did any one try to use this pinout?

Looking at your System 32 schematics I found that many websites like System16 (probably is where it started and other sites copy it) or SegaRetro mistakenly list the 315-5386 IC as "tilemap generator (backgrounds)" and 315-5387 IC as "sprite generator". Because on the schematics it is the opposite:
  • 315-5386 is at the "OBJ" (sprites) page, and connected to sprite roms
  • 315-5387 is at the "SCROLL" page, connected to background roms.
(Also the mame page doesn't contain much info about them I mean it doesn't describe them just lists their codes)
I was having quite a hard time trying to understand the ICs purpose, this is very useful for my repair attempt, thanks!
It's one year on now, and I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is, that missing first page of the "Spiderman" marked System 32 schematics, covering the CPU, RAM, and bus arbiter never turned up. Looks like it's lost to time. The good news is it doesn't matter one damn bit, because look what just fell into my hands:
System 32 Schematics - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rZWc7zwSqMz8QCnwSVcuy_H2DJftM0K5/view
Full System 32 schematics (with "Rad Mobile" written in pen on the outside). Same document as the partial "Spiderman" scans before, except this one has the critical missing CPU page:

High quality scan at the above link, go for it.

I also scanned another schematic I got my hands on, this one for "Shooting Master" on the Sega System 1:
Shooting Master Schematics - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fingp8ekhSt7XCOwCHGBf3wYhPhKjAdP/view
This is worth comparing with the existing "Choplifter" schematic for the same hardware:
Choplifter Schematics - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iSqv_NwyX_W9REzqz1EePfeIgpANoIqv/view
In general the existing Choplifter scan is higher quality (the Shooting Master one was squashed onto A4), but this new Shooting Master scan shows some details that were cropped at the edges, has edits to the original schematics showing the changes made for this modified config, and adds three new sheets for the "cpu-board" the Shooting Master hardware tacks onto the main board which you can see in the image below:

I'm still hoping the rest of the System 18 schematics will turn up one day, time will tell. If anything else new comes my way, I'll drop it here.