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May 16, 2016
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northwest Iowa
Idea have raspberry pi display a game marquee to led screen marquee I've seen a lot of mame projects now using LCD/led marquees thought this idea should be feasible if anyone with the know how could do it that would be the shit!!!
Merging piforce with raspberry pi attract mode would make a lot of possibilitys maybe make a python script using the original piforce for every game and have attract mode run the script instead of a emulator.
You want to have RasPi, running PiForce script in a netboot setup load a game and then output either image(s) or video to an lcd display used as a marquee thru its hdmi port, correct?!
Yes that would be nice I also would like to figure out a way to load a specific game from the raspberry pi command line so you could use the front end attract mode for a more customizable ui.
So if anyone could send a altered triforetools.py that only loads one specific game that I could easily alter for each game that would be awsome

Could you just add the game name to the code and run it from command line
# upload a file into DIMM memory, and optionally encrypt for the given key.
# note that the re-encryption is obsoleted by just setting a zero-key, which
# is a magic to disable the decryption.
def DIMM_UploadFile(name, key = None):
	import zlib
	crc = 0
	a = open(name, "rb")
	addr = 0
	if key:
		d = DES.new(key[::-1], DES.MODE_ECB)
	while True:
		sys.stderr.write("%08x\r" % addr)
		data = a.read(0x8000)
		if not len(data):
		if key:
			data = d.encrypt(data[::-1])[::-1]
		DIMM_Upload(addr, data, 0)
		crc = zlib.crc32(data, crc)
		addr += len(data)
	crc = ~crc
	DIMM_Upload(addr, "12345678", 1)
	DIMM_SetInformation(crc, addr)
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So if anyone could send a altered triforetools.py that only loads one specific game that I could easily alter for each game that would be awsome

Could you just add the game name to the code and run it from command line
Good idea! I got this mostly working, I think. I left triforcetools.py untouched but used a new "loader" python script (link) that you can call from Attract Mode which handles loading the image. I started a separate thread with more detailed instructions over here.
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