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Jul 23, 2015
Reaction score
Auburn Hills, MI
I switched my power hungry Ghosts and Goblins for Daimakaimura forgetting to lower the power. It got 5.32 for about 5 seconds and now never has sounds, sometimes won't boot (garbled graphics), boots with graphic issues.

That's about the extent of my trouble shooting abilities so I really need it repaired as I can't fix it.

The closer the better...shipping cost wise ;) I'll make sure it's properly packed.
I'll bet the damage was confined to the A-Board...
Do you have another CPS1 10mhz A-board you could test the B+C with?

If the customs on the A-board did indeed get damaged, you won't be able to repair them...
Only replace with customs from another CPS1 or CPS2 A-board.
My only other cps1 is a dash.

Thanks btw
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So I can just switch A boards to test?

I do have a cps2 A board for parts but the things I need to replace on the cps1 probably aren't socketed.

Thanks for the comments and help.
EDIT I don't like edits so I'll leave my forgetting the fricken volume adjustment.


It works but the sound is low. I set the tv volume at 15 usually. I have to put it at 50 for this board and a soft hiss is heard.

That wasn't needed before with the test A board.

Playable but if I forget to turn down the sound after switching games...lol.

Any other suggestions?

Also I guess the thread should be removed from the marketplace. I don't want to hurt a possible deal since advice is helping :)
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