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Test print #2 still needs some adjustment along the back lip and better matching of the curve along the spindle cut out. looks good otherwise though.


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that looks great, nice work! Love the SD card holders.
Like I've said before, we have some of the best members you can find. I've seen people ask for this very type of thing in other places and get no response. I had a feeling someone here would be talented enough to make it happen. :)
3rd test print is running right now. I left the card holder off of this one.

I'm going to have to re-think the card holder location. At the back of the tray like that there's a ridge at the back of the lid that hits the cards when fully closed. you can close the lid and puts some slight pressure on the cards which probably isn't good for them.

I may move them off to the side by the button since there's more clearance near the center of the lid. I'm fairly certain there wont be any collision problems there but I may only be able to fit 3 slots if I do that. I could also play with angled slots so the cars stick out at a 45 degree angle instead of straight up and down, or re-configure the tray to dip lower into console since there is plenty of space there.

For now though I'm going to nail down the design without the card holders so I can release that, and then re-think the card holder feature.
Super happy with the fitment on this last print. (also recorded video)

I made a few more really tiny adjustments and added card holders in a new, hopefully better, location. so we'll see how that comes out tomorrow morning.


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That looks really nice! Good job Twisted!
I didn't have time to take any photos this morning but last night's print came out perfect. Fitment is great the new SD Card holder location is great. I did notice that some of the other adjustments I made now make it so one of the mounting legs blocks one of the holes for a support post in the Rhea. so I'm going to change the leg design tonight and if all goes well I'll be ready to release the STL file tomorrow morning.
Now Available on Thiniverse: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1546926



I've tested fitment with Rhea on both my VA0 and VA1 consoles. it fits great on both. Later console version with Phoebe should fit (dimensionally they seem to be the same) though I would appreciate confirmation, good or bad, from anyone who tries it.

STL files are available both with and without the SD card holder slots. They're staggered to make it easier to grab the cards. Fitment around the cards is designed to be a little lose, but the clearance with the id means they have a little bit of vertical movement but the lid will keep them from falling out when closed, even if you tip the console upside down.

I appreciate any comments or feedback :D
Awesome! Gonna print one out when I get home!
I second this,

I've tested fitment with Rhea on both my VA0 and VA1 consoles. it fits great on both. Later console version with Phoebe should fit (dimensionally they seem to be the same) though I would appreciate confirmation, good or bad, from anyone who tries it.
Phoebe has the same dimensions and holes/SD slot placement (confirmed by Deunan) :)

Great work, I'll definitely print it, thanks!
Phoebe has the same dimensions and holes/SD slot placement (confirmed by Deunan)
Thanks for the confirmation, it looked like he was using the same PCB design for both but I didn't want to assume.
It looks glorious. We've all been blown away by your progress on this and it's incredible that you released it to the community for free. I'd definitely be in for buying you some beers if you can find it in your heart to let us spoil you a little ;)
It looks glorious. We've all been blown away by your progress on this and it's incredible that you released it to the community for free. I'd definitely be in for buying you some beers if you can find it in your heart to let us spoil you a little ;)
You're persistent :D I've added a link on my website. I really enjoy this kind of thing. I learned how to use Solidworks about 15 years ago now and rarely get to use it for work anymore. So it's nice to have a project like this. I'd like to make a GDEMU tray as well but I'll need to wait for pre-orders to open back up since I don't currently own one.

I did make quite a few test prints with this one. I was determined to get all the walls flush with the opening


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I tried printing it but I guess it needs supports. I have no idea how to add supports. :(
I tried printing it but I guess it needs supports. I have no idea how to add supports. :(
yes it absolutely needs supports since the whole section above the Rhea sits up about 2mm from the rest of it.

What slicer are you using? usually it's just as simple as clicking a button to add supports (I know Cura, Silc3r, and Simplify 3D all do automatic support generation)
I dunno. I use the software that came with my dremel printer. They recommend Meshmixer to add supports so I'm going to try it since it's free.
slic3r and cura are both free as well and I used both of them for a while until I bought a simplify 3d license.

I really like cura and it even does a few things better than simplify. I don't have any experience with meshmixer.

Does the Dremel have part cooler? that's usually pretty helpful for good overhangs.
Other tips for supports, if the options are available at least 3 layers of 100% in-fill at the support interface and the separation gap should be about .05mm less than your nozzle diameter. At least thats what I find works for me. I still really hate printing overhangs but sometimes it can't be avoided. :-/

If you don't get it working let me know. I'll see if I can generate custom support structures right in the STL file. it's something I've been wanting to learn how to do anyway.
Meshmixer worked fine. It even had a mode specifically for my Ideabuilder printer. Printed out fine. Can't wait to install it!