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OK, i will try to find how to decrypt them using XOR and XOR table now :)
There's a program to do it. vconv, IIRC.

Alternatively, just search for the decrypted files. I'm sure they can be found.

Ahhh my eyes, a neo-geo link, a quote to razoola and neodev (ElSemi?) on the same post!

just to note which are the correct values:
in order to make the value at 0x60bc0 be 0x08, the encrypted value present at 0x00000 should be 0x43 (it is 0xE0)
in order to make the value at 0x160bc0 be 0x82, the encrypted value present at 0x00001 should be 0xC9 (it is 0x25)

As my MultiMVS uses decrypted romsets only, can someone clearly post what needs to be changed?

If I check the vroma0 from samsh5sp I see that the value on 0x60bc0 is already 0x08 which is correct, but the value in 160bc0 is 0x12 instead of 0x82. Am I looking at this wrong?

About Nightmare in the Dark, @Niko posted this:
0x50820: 6E -> 08

I can see that 0x6E value in vroma0 in the offset 0x50820 so I assume that this is for decrypted set, right?
The wrong value is also present in nitdbl, so that needs to be changed too.
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Thanks for your feedback, for sure
this is an important related issue, multiples original public dumps seems to be not clearly proper..
This issue seems to be known for a while now..and target a multiples games (as i understand..)

I don't understand why proper mame set have not been pushed online since 2017.. X(8|
note : what a pain to find these tools to decrypt and proper patch this files..

The encrypted VROM files patched using neodev data work like a charm on FinalBurn neo software emulator.
so after decrypted the files, the data seems to be like Niko posted below.

@Darksoft : for samsh5sp, after decrypting the first V1 VROM file (using neoconv), the corrected offset look like this :
CRC32 : B21A13FC

Capture d’écran 2022-11-19 à 17.35.15.png

before correction with decrypted VROM file (using neoconv) :
CRC32 : 3BF61586

Capture d’écran 2022-11-19 à 17.39.16.png
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thanks @Nic034 .
You mention 16BC0 only, but on that other forum they posted that 4 changes were necessary. Let me quote them:

0x06bc0 was 0xab, should be 0x08
0x0ed41 was 0x08, should be 0x89
0x16bc0 was 0x6e, should be 0x82
0x1ed41 was 0xda, should be 0x8f

How many should I change? All 4, right?
thanks @Nic034 .
You mention 16BC0 only, but on that other forum they posted that 4 changes were necessary. Let me quote them:

0x06bc0 was 0xab, should be 0x08
0x0ed41 was 0x08, should be 0x89
0x16bc0 was 0x6e, should be 0x82
0x1ed41 was 0xda, should be 0x8f

How many should I change? All 4, right?

i'm not sure, i will try to patch the others too now and re-encrypt the files
The source information came for Razoola so, for sure this is correct.
Perhaps others and Niko can confirms this..
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Seems to be working on my side ! but i don't know what are related the others bytes :)
I will try to play sound using unibios jukebox to check this quickly (i'm not sure, all sound are related inside..) :
Seems to be 100% ok at this time (no sound issue at all), to be sure more test must be performed.
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Appreciate the work Niko:thumbsup: Are there any other audio fixes that have been found? Heard about one for Pulstar and Metal Slug X out there, but couldn't find it.
Appreciate the work Niko:thumbsup: Are there any other audio fixes that have been found? Heard about one for Pulstar and Metal Slug X out there, but couldn't find it.

Not that I'm aware of, whats wrong in Pulstar and Metal Slug X?

I'd really like to fix the crackling audio on the win screen of Rage of the Dragons but I havent got around to digging into it yet.
Heard mention of audio fixes to these on neogeo.com forums. It was late last night, maybe I was reading it wrong.
Two years ago when I was working on this, my wife, who usually helps me with the detailed solder work, said she wanted to take a crack at this. Well, I think she was way out of practice when we finally got around to this just now and seemed to struggle. I'm pretty sure this is broken now. The condition is not worth trying to work on anymore at this point. These two solder pads seem to be connected when tested with a multimeter.

Again, anyone want to sell me a fixed one? I'm probably going to order a new cart from Aliexpress, but probably not going to try and fix it this time.

Pour some liquid flux on that, then some flux on the soldering wick and clean it up.
Pour some liquid flux on that, then some flux on the soldering wick and clean it up.
Already did. I know it can be cleaned better, but at this point it has been desoldered four times, so it's burnt up, and I'm just trying to show there are some bridged solder pads. No point cleaning it more now, because it's toast. Unless those two pads are supposed to be bridged?
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Already did. I know it can be cleaned better, but at this point it has been desoldered four times, so it's burnt up, and I'm just trying to show there are some bridged solder pads. No point cleaning it more now, because it's toast. Unless those two pads are supposed to be bridged?
What makes you think they shouldn't be connected? Based on the image that looks like 2 big ground planes connected together.

Whatever chip was here before, find its datasheet and look at the pinout. There might not be anything wrong with the way it is.
What makes you think they shouldn't be connected? Based on the image that looks like 2 big ground planes connected together.

Whatever chip was here before, find its datasheet and look at the pinout. There might not be anything wrong with the way it is.
That's the answer I was hoping for, thanks. I was hoping that's the case, but not familiar enough with this type of PCB and its connections to make that determination myself. Will check further.

Still though, I'm not sure if it's worth continuing to try in this condition with my skill level. If I've wrecked the board, that's just too many possible points of failure for me.

Like most of my projects, this began as a fun learning experience and turned into a prolonged nightmare.
What makes you think they shouldn't be connected? Based on the image that looks like 2 big ground planes connected together.

Whatever chip was here before, find its datasheet and look at the pinout. There might not be anything wrong with the way it is.
Should be pins 33 and 34. Per the datasheet of the chip I'm using, that's Vss and OE#. So if I'm understanding correctly, if it's not broken, then that OE# pin should be tied to Vss to pull it high to enable reading from the chip?

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