OK, thank you for your repply.
Are there games outputting something else than 480p@60Hz on Chihiro ?
I am currently using GBS-8200 to play Chihiro so I don't exactly know which resolution gets into the GBS.
The thing is : I have tried 4 different VGA2HDMI converters unsuccessfully with Chihiro and I don't want to get another brand unless I have some positive reports of it working with Chihiro, I guess you understand.
I do have questions though about Chihiro's D-Terminal output.
If anyone can answer those, that would be really appreciated.
1/ Do all games both display on VGA output and D-Terminal one or does it need to play with dipswitches ?
2/ Is the D-terminal output signal more standard than the VGA one ? Are there success stories of Chihiro D-Terminal ==> D-Terminal to component cable ==> Component to HDMI box, we know of ?
If so, I would maybe go for the D-Terminal output instead of the VGA one that gets too difficult to display on HDMI monitors without image quality loss (my GBS setup works but with non neglectable quality loss)