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Jun 28, 2017
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Southern California

So I've owned a garbage Japanese Model2A copy of Dynamite Deka 2 and finally decided to get off my butt and try to fix it myself.

Here's a screenshot of what my video looked like just a few days ago:


Pretty bad, right? Well here's a picture of all the bad ICs reported by the memory test:


Alright, 10 chips. Fine. Whatever. I placed an order with Quest Components who had all these chips in stock, and waited a few days. Shipping was super fast because they were really close.

The chips arrived and now it was time to desolder:


Beautiful looking, isn't it? So clean. Anyway, time to put on the replacements:


It's not perfect, but they're all appearing to be soldered properly. Aright, the last few get put on and.... wait a minute... what?!


Whatdyamean 21 bad chips now?! What happened to 10? And why are the previously "GOOD" chips now "BAD"? AND ALL THE CHIPS I BOUGHT WERE BAD? Oof. Alright, well, I still have IC31 and I32 to replace, let's do it for fun here and see if they come up "GOOD":


The bigger chips came off and went on much easier... but the memory test still shows them as bad....

Anyone out there have any ideas why all my video board ram is suddenly failing?
Probably not the RAM chips failing but rather some logic chips on the busses.
Probably not the RAM chips failing but rather some logic chips on the busses.
Ugh, fantastic. I wonder how it would have failed spectacularly between the day I powered it up and saw only 10 chips were bad to the point where I soldered on the new chips....
Always logic probe data-pins to check if they are really bad. To my knowledge, when there's many of them listed as bad (speaking in general fix) is always something else to cause the problem.
Check for old solder on customs too