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Apr 25, 2021
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i´m trying to access partition 7, but there is no way. Since Linux does not want to detect the ssd, I only have the windows option. I've been trying Victoria but using re2multi.key file it gives me error "File has incorrect length!" What am I forgetting?


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re2multi.key file is for truecrypt accessing the game partition. You need to ATA unlock the drive first using the appropriate hex key. If you can see the partitions then you have already successfully unlocked the drive, or the drive isn't ATA locked yet which it will need to be

Anyway to open your game partition use Truecrypt, use the re2multi.key file as the keyfile for the drive and no password.
re2multi.key file is for truecrypt accessing the game partition. You need to ATA unlock the drive first using the appropriate hex key. If you can see the partitions then you have already successfully unlocked the drive, or the drive isn't ATA locked yet which it will need to be

Anyway to open your game partition use Truecrypt, use the re2multi.key file as the keyfile for the drive and no password.
The game partition, is the L one, in the picture above. I can see it, but i can´t open. I have tried to open it with Victoria, but without success. I tried to open it with TrueCrypt, but it gave me an error. I will try again and I will pass you captures. My SSD is the PNY 120 which is recommended.
Here I explain the process that I do, step by step, until I get the error:

P.D.: I'm surely doing it completely wrong



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You need an older version of truecrypt, I believe 4.3a? probably anything from 4.3 to 5.0 would work.

you also only want to "mount" the volume to access it, not permanently decrypt. You could try "Mount" with your current truecrypt verision, it might work, else you need older version.
You need an older version of truecrypt, I believe 4.3a? probably anything from 4.3 to 5.0 would work.

you also only want to "mount" the volume to access it, not permanently decrypt. You could try "Mount" with your current truecrypt verision, it might work, else you need older version.
It has worked. You were right. Now that I've put new things inside, it's time to "Dismount All" button, right? Then Victoria was used to close if I'm not wrong.
Yea, that all sounds about right. I use linux, but everything you just said sounds good. Once done loading data, "Dismount All" with Truecrypt is the next step. And then yes, whatever is necessary with victoria to close the drive (and lock to correct ATA Key if it was not already; if the drive already worked in a Ring system then it was locked to the right ATA password already).
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Yea, that all sounds about right. I use linux, but everything you just said sounds good. Once done loading data, "Dismount All" with Truecrypt is the next step. And then yes, whatever is necessary with victoria to close the drive (and lock to correct ATA Key if it was not already; if the drive already worked in a Ring system then it was locked to the right ATA password already).

It has never worked yet. I have seen that the PNY 120gb key does not fit in the box to put the key ( 0242826a1253ca5bf242ea78d263524ab213d22a0a460be66a467f865c8a5a86) Maybe need to convert?

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In that box where you have the hex string I Think it's just supposed to contain the filename like "file: RingEdgeATAKey.txt" . Select User and Max, then lock. I haven't used victoria myself (I use hdparm in linux) but maybe that little "F" button lets you select the file containing the lock string?

Be careful, if you lock a drive to a string you can't recreate you won't be able to unlock it.
In that box where you have the hex string I Think it's just supposed to contain the filename like "file: RingEdgeATAKey.txt" . Select User and Max, then lock. I haven't used victoria myself (I use hdparm in linux) but maybe that little "F" button lets you select the file containing the lock string?

Be careful, if you lock a drive to a string you can't recreate you won't be able to unlock it.

Well, if i press F i see this:

Alternatively, just disable security in the BIOS.

The problem is that I don't have the keyboard adapter. I think it´s not normal mini usb. I have tried the one from the raspberry from mini usb to usb and it doesn't fit.
Alternatively, just disable security in the BIOS.
Wait, this is an option like on the X3? Enter RE bios and disable security = no need to ATA lock drive? It seems so simple if this is true :D
So you think the correct key is PNY.txt and not RingEdgeATAKey.txt. Correct?

For CS900, yes
Hi, friend
Thanks to your great help, everything has gone well, without your help I would not have succeeded. The problem I have now is very different. I think I remember that Capcom's I / O was incompatible with this system. Also i can´t configure the resolution, but... this is much less important. I only have switch 5 up and everything else turned off. I am uploading a video to Youtube, trying to test the machine on an Astro.

1 - Anyone know if capcom's jvs is really incompatible?
2 - Does anyone know what screen resolution setting I have to set for an astro city?
Thanks again
RE2 video output likely depends on the game. I have no idea what the minimum res is for the launcher.

What monitor do you have in your Astro?

No JVS would indeed point to it not being compatible with the Capcom IO.
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Yes, avoid using the Capcom I/O ( honestly I'd avoid using it on anything as it adds lag ).

A Sega Type3 is what I generally recommend but you should be fine with a Sega Rev. B. Those are two I/O boards I test with during development.