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Sep 29, 2022
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I picked up one of Seimitsu's new SELS-70X sticks from CQB, and it's a lovely little thing. The new small base is really neat, and the adjustable shaft length pleases me greatly. I do love a stick with a short throw.

But the Astro City panels use an offset-height plate, with two screws at 95mm (47.5 from the shaft). As near as I can tell it's easy to throw a 50mm joystick in here (and I've seen some with Sanwa mounts as well) but no one's selling 40mm plates as near as I can tell.

Does anyone sell these, or do I have to drill 4 extra holes in my P=50 plate to make it work?

I've whipped up an image showing what's required. The standard Seimitsu mounting holes are 10mm farther apart.

I think you can use the VF Seimitsu mounting plate for that.


Edit: NM, that's too small. I think the VF plate is the same as a jlf with no plate.

The older Sega panels use Sanwa S plates. https://focusattack.com/sanwa-jlf-p1-s-mounting-plate

I think this plate would do it but it's never in stock. https://paradisearcadeshop.com/products/universal-s-adapter-plate

There's another one on Amazon but the reviews are pretty bad but who knows. https://a.co/d/5628Et2
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Ah cool, thanks for those links. That focusattack plate is exactly what I need, except the screws are in the wrong place. The Paradise one would be perfect if it was ever in stock... And yeah, that Amazon one doesn't look awesome.

I might have to find a drill press and do this myself.
It is super frustrating that the S plate universal adapters are so hard to locate. Let me know how you go with your drilling solution - I can send a Sanwa S plate to you for drilling as well as a fallback?
I picked up two of those Amazon ones, they should be coming in a day or two and I'll report back.
Would something like this Seimitsu plate help?

I think this is a new product from Seimitsu as i've never seen this plate before. Also it's flat so might need some extender rings for the shaft if your stick supports it. I'm thinking of these:
Well the all-in-one plate would definitely fit the SELS-70X mech, but it won't fit the panel, being both flat and 10mm too short with the mounting holes. My brain keeps thinking it would enable the stick to mount to the existing plate, but for the life of me I can't see how.

The stick comes with two extension rings, but I bought it 'cause I wanted a short-throw stick, so...
Well the all-in-one plate would definitely fit the SELS-70X mech, but it won't fit the panel, being both flat and 10mm too short with the mounting holes. My brain keeps thinking it would enable the stick to mount to the existing plate, but for the life of me I can't see how.
Damn...that's too bad.
Now that I reread your original post and see you're trying to slot it into an Astro City panel, I remember getting such a panel and wondering about the strange mount (as compared to the other NAC panels I had).
I still have that panel and I think one of those Paradise Arcade universal mounts so I could def test it out to see if it'll fit. But it'd be a bit of a wait since i'm on vacation for a couple of weeks.
I reread your original post and see you're trying to slot it into an Astro City panel, I remember getting such a panel and wondering about the strange mount (as compared to the other NAC panels
Ah, I thought AC and NAC panels used the same mount. To be precise, I am using NAC panels. One has Sanwa mounts (from a NUC) and the rest are Seimitsu mounts, but they all use the same stepped base plate.

Hey mate @NFGx Possibly a Seimitsu NA plate as per this thread - https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/help-with-identifying-this-mounting-plate.22961/#post-348665

I can have a 3D print made up of the plate for you this week (as per that linked thread), if that would assist with giving it a test fitment? Drilling holes for the LS-56 bolt pattern would be easier in this 3D PLA material.

Looking through all my file photos - Another customer of mine has travelled the same road as yourself and went the drilling route with the Sanwa JLF-P-1S plate to fit a LS-56.
Hopefully this helps out?



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I got those Amazon plates and they don't fit the Seimitsu square hole pattern. They're also 2mm shallower than the Sanwa S plate. That would make them like 6-8mm deeper than they should be for the Seimitsu stick which is supposed to be flush mounted.


I'm going to try to contact the seller to see if they're aware or if these holes are for something else. That wouldn't really solve the depth issue though.