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Mar 9, 2022
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  • Bought the "Darksoft NEW MULTI CPS-2 rev2" from saveyourgames.it. Installed it, enjoyed it. All works fine
  • Found the new firmware which solves SD card problems. thought "yeah stability is always nice, lets update"
  • Figured out i have to put the firmware.img onto the sd card and it will update automatically.

  • Downloaded the flash.img and put it on the SD card of the multi. Inserted the SD card. Started he CPS2 and waited for the process to finish.
  • could not select any games any more and the graphics glitched
  • Powered the CPS2 down, checked the SD card. flash.img was gone.
  • Rerun the whole process. No change at all
  • reformatted sd card (Samsung Evo 32GB - Was working fine before!)
  • ONLY put flash.img on it
  • Inserted SD card into CPS2 Multi, booted, waited. After a few seconds the in memory game started WITHOUT any graphic glitches. Display said "No SD card"
  • Turned of, added games back again to the sd card (same games which were working fine before)
  • Inserted SD card back again and booted. Getting a gray(?)/blank screen now, can select games for 2-3 seconds, until the Multi Display "freezes". Selected game does not boot.
  • Tested another (intenso 16GB) card: no change.

  • What can i do to test/solve this issue?
  • Is there somewhere an old version of the firmware available?
  • "Darksoft NEW MULTI CPS-2 rev2" is the Championship edition? (just to clarify this again :D)
  • thanks alot in advance!
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Thanks a lot for the fast reply! Sadly this does not work :( - Guess something broke between yesterday (Working) and today (Flashing firmware)

  • used an 16GB Intensio SDCard for the above firmware. Formatted with sdcard formatter (FAT32), wrote firmware to sdcard with windows10. Nothing else on the card, besides the firmware
  • After inserting SDCard and powering the CPS2 up: back green led is lid, front green led blinks fast, after a few seconds it blinks slowly, a few seconds after: screen says "no sd card"
  • The firmware was gone from the sdcard.
  • Powered down CPS2, added games to different sdcards (all reformatted, all written with windows, tested both decrypted and encrypted roms) (key wires are installed and worked fine yesterday)
  • After powering up the back green led is lid, the front green led is not. "Reading keys" is displayed - After that I can scroll through the game list. After selecting a game (doesn't matter which) the multi-lcd-screen freezes (no game is selectable anymore and "flashing ..." is NOT displayed) and the front green led is lid. Nothing happens after that.
  • My Game-CRT-Screen always show different full coloured screen. Had black, green, blue (With the above firmware) after powering up.
  • Tested different SD cards, all seem to be read (game list is displayed, firmware is loaded)
  • Guess the SD slot works fine, even if the sdcard mechanic hangs sometimes and does not come out straight away (yes i push and pull, not pull only :D) - Firmware and gamelist seems to be read. Replacing the sdcard slot would be no problem for me.
  • The multi and a+b board are seated correctly (checked multiple times)
  • 5v / 12v lines should be fine, since stuff was working yesterday and earlier today (the PSU got refurbished a few months ago)
  • shorted EXC5 a few times
  • btw nothing smelled, nothing made noise ... so i guess nothing obvious blew.
  • Maybe this has nothing to do with new firmware and just really unlucky circumstances - Is there anything i can test or do i need to send this in to someone?
More things i tested (with always the same behavior: Not loading the game any more and freezing) :
  • used another bunch of different sdcards, used a different windows pc, different card reader
  • bridged EXC5 for one hour
  • tested in arcade cab with arcade psu and on a supergun
  • tried to load he "romset to verifiy CPS2" - i can select both romsets on the LCD screen, but after selection the screen freezes
  • reseated A/B board and the multisystem
  • tested with and without key-cables attached (encrypted and decrypted romset)
Thanks a lot for the fast reply! Sadly this does not work
Then the problem is somewhere else, not in the firmware update.

  • After inserting SDCard and powering the CPS2 up: back green led is lid, front green led blinks fast, after a few seconds it blinks slowly, a few seconds after: screen says "no sd card"
  • The firmware was gone from the sdcard.
Good news. This means everything went well.

  • tried to load he "romset to verifiy CPS2" - i can select both romsets on the LCD screen, but after selection the screen freezes
That could be caused by a bad ribbon cable or LCD gone wrong. Do you have a different one to try?
  • I got the multiset a couple of days ago. Was working fine for the last 2-3 days, until the firmware update today. So it shouldn't be a worn out issue.
  • I tested he ribbon cable with a multimeter. All pins are fine. Can order a new cable ( i don't have a spare), but i don't think it is the cable
  • Checked the LCD pcb for burn traces, etc: Looks fine for me. I don't have a spare LCD :)
  • Connected the display with some jumper wires. No change. Same issue - It is not the ribbon cable.
  • Measured the power output (on the jamma connector). 5V outputs 5.1, 12V outputs 12v, -5V is a bit low at -4.8 (but isn't needed any way on the cps2) so the power supply is fine.
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I checked it thoroughly and the FW is OK. The problem is coming from somewhere else. PM me and I'll have a look.

I have compiled it again, tested here and uploaded again in the first page. All works smooth.