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Oh I definately agree repro should be 1:1 identical. Right down to brand name if you can get away with it.

What I was trying to say was rather than modifying a capcom spinner for Ghox functions, it would be far better to do it other way around but if u was going to do that might as well make it universal. Not that I would buy one if anyone would make it.
hi : all

Yes please i rarely checkin on this topic 1:1 if the ghox spinners materialize or someone has a pair for sale.
Also could do with another loop24 joystick. Afaia i have found almost all of the other control sticks i needed except --------->

🙃 (rarh! feed me you pathetic human)


  • sinistar.jpg
    11.9 KB · Views: 40
Im not sure if Ghox spinners would be feasible as not a lot of people own the pcb.