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Light Blue is the one you want, it should include all the previous ones too.
Here you go guys, just apply the xdelta against sz3.02 and you're good to go. :)

Care to indulge what was modified?

I'd like to see this on original hardware, so I don't have to keep an A board married to this game.
Here you go guys, just apply the xdelta against sz3.02 and you're good to go. :)
Care to indulge what was modified?

I'd like to see this on original hardware, so I don't have to keep an A board married to this game.
Sure. The instruction at 0019DE was modified as follows:

move.b #$4, ($ee,A5) -> 1B7C 0004 00EE
Byteswapped the hex edit is: 7C1B 0400 EE00
I've attached an xdelta you can apply against sz3udi.03c (from sfa3udi.zip) for use on real boards.

This patches just one instruction and tells the machine to populate the location at FF80EE in RAM with '04' instead of reading it from NVRAM on startup.


  • sz3udi.03c-allunlocks-xdelta.zip
    259 bytes · Views: 318
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I patched my file, updated it on the SD card, and loaded it up on my Darksoft CPS2. Works like a charm, exactly what we needed. Thanks again everyone who helped out!

I'll get the OP's system updated too.
Sure. The instruction at 0019DE was modified as follows:
move.b #$4, ($ee,A5) -> 1B7C 0004 00EE
Byteswapped the hex edit is: 7C1B 0400 EE00
I've attached an xdelta you can apply against sz3udi.03c (from sfa3udi.zip) for use on real boards.

This patches just one instruction and tells the machine to populate the location at FF80EE in RAM with '04' instead of reading it from NVRAM on startup.
Excellent. However, I'm still running on original battery.

Unfortunately, trying to reencrypt the decrypted instruction is way over my skills.
RetroRGB covered the hacks in his weekly news this week. No idea who tipped him off ;)
Coverage starts at 13:50
I do like that RetroRGB podcast, I'll often catch it on my way to work/morning commute.
I'm not so sure about the skills of the author however... In one of his Genesis RGB bypass tutorials he said...


That is IMO batshit crazy! It's so much easier to cut thru a thin copper trace then rip up a via-hole soldered foot.
It's also way way easier to repair a cut trace with some stripped K30 and a light sanding of the PCB mask.
If you cut the feet off the CXA like in his example you will have to dremel back into the module to reconnect it.

My god, don't send that man a PSIO kit to install... He'll chop the feet off the 32pin chip rather than cut 4 traces. ;)

Speaking as someone who has done this exact mod, I can tell you from my experience it was easy as pie to free the 8-pin din socket by severing motherboard traces.
Then I reconnected it as I saw fit, including stereo sound and a pre-stripped LM1881 c-sync.
Stupid Sega wired the port with two syncs (composite sync and composite video) and then only had one free pin remaining for (mono) sound...
Genesis IS a stereo console retards!
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I haven't done a Genesis bypass yet, but I did follow his site when I was installing my SNES, SNES mini, and N64 RGB amps, and those were spot on.

A lot of his pages were written a long time ago though, and he's mostly compiling other people's instructions, so the Genesis mod is probably based on information a modder provided to him. The site is transitioning to a wiki format sometime this year, to bring improvements to the different RGB mods and whatnot, like what you've mentioned.
A lot of his pages were written a long time ago though, and he's mostly compiling other people's instructions
I enjoy the cast, and I think he's a becoming a more valuable resource...
Those instructions just make me go, wtf dude srsly? ;)

I also did a 1CHIP SNES RGB bypass with his sites information, and it came out beautiful/perfect! :D

Just a side note to anyone using scalers, you'll want to look into performing/purchasing a RGB bypassed console as well.
It makes a huge difference with "noisy" systems like Genesis, and cleans up/improves already nice outputs like SNES too.
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Thank you Kuze for making this happen and having all the codes unlocked. I finally tried it yesterday and it works great.

Sorry if I'm being too demanding but can you make it work on the other regions as well? Right now it only works on the USA region. If I change the file to the other regions like Japan the game boots up to USA only even if it's a Japan rom. So yes it be nice to the have this code unlocked in all the regions so you can read the original text. I like playing my games in the Japanese version. But thank you unlocking the code in the USA version.

If you can please unlocked them for the other regions?

Difference between USA and Europe is that Europe doesn't have the FBI: Winners don't use drugs ad.

Street Fighter Alpha 3 980904 EUROPE
Street Fighter Alpha 3 980904 HISPANIC
Street Fighter Zero 3 980904 ASIA
Street Fighter Zero 3 980904 JAPAN
Street Fighter Zero 3 980629 JAPAN