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Nov 6, 2017
Reaction score
Mission Viejo, CA, USA
Hi Folks!

I got a dongle/HDD from ebay - and it arrived. Right when I booted them up in my 246 - the hard drive was not making good noises, so that wasn't awesome. I figured I would try to use chdman to write an image that I had (from the dump for the multi) - to a 4GB disk I had. That went fine, no issues and this is what happens when I boot it.

Power the system on - screen is black, looks to be about a 2 minute wait, and then some sort of watchdog timer kicks off and the system reboots (light on the right side goes red). After it reboots, it flashes "Boot 01, 02 and 03" and then goes black, and then comes up with "Init(Snd)."

It just hangs here, until that watchdog timer goes off again, and resets the motherboard. And then it does the same cycle.

Anyone have any idea why its doing this? I validated the 246 works fine with other games (SC2, Capcom Fighting Jam, etc).

I have an original FUD drive and it is 80gb. Unless someone here can confirm you can put the image on a smaller drive, I would try that first.
Ahhhh interesting - ok, let me see if I can source one of those.
Tried with a larger drive (256GB) - that got me further - 4 dots after Init(snd)

I just ordered the same size drive - 80 GB WD800BB

Hopefully that is it!

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Got the 80GB IDE drive - worked perfectly.... too bad you need the exact size. I couldn't find an 80GB compactflash or MicroSD card that size to test with.

得到了 80GB IDE 驱动器 - 工作完美……不幸的是你需要非常小的尺寸。我无法提供 80GB Compactflash 或 MicroSD 卡的测试。

第一步你需要把chd转成img格式,需要fightmame chdman使用,然后新建一个txt文件,复制粘贴for /r %%i in (*.chd) do chdman extracthd -i "%%i" -o "%%~ni.img"后保存为.bat
第二步你需要用这个工具把img烧录到80GB硬盘: HDDRawCopy1.20Portable.exe
Yes - it did work - when I had an 80GB hard drive, but it had to be that actual size, couldn't be larger.
The protection are probably similair to the one on Wargods. Perhaps @neku who fixed Wargods could give some advice about a solution to this game as well?
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