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Jul 8, 2017
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U.K, Cornwall
Picked up a Turbo OutRun PCB in lovely condition, untested as the owner had no harness for it.


I used my home made test harness to power it up and get a black screen, my first thought is the suicide battery.
Tested the voltages and to my surprise this is still alive, time to pull out the program roms and use the very useful OutRun test roms.
Even better this reports no bad rams. while replacing the test roms with the program roms I notice one pin completely bent inwards on one of Eproms, after straightening this and returning the rest .
Time to power it up again and this time...


Next thing was to try to connect the sound up, but got nothing not even static.
My first thought was the custom sound chip had gone bad.
I decided to go and have a look around the internet and of course on here :D
Bad Ram and bad Audio amps seemed to be the most popular culprits, so broke out the logic probe and started making my way around the sound section. Everything seemed be working, but something was not running correctly.
Pulled the sound Eprom out and read it in my programmer compared it using RomIdent and it couldn't find a match.
Next up was to compare the contents of the Eprom with the Mame version. The programmer reported an error straight away this was all the proof I needed to swap out and replace with a new eprom.
This completely fixed the game with all sound restored.
View: https://youtu.be/ip5WU_2E_PE