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Oh, mega interesting!
I have a Regulus System 1 pcb that has the exact same layout, it had not occured to me that I might be able to convert to either Up 'n Down or Flicky.

For the protection Z80's.. there are some early boards that have the unravelled protection CPU pal and ram on them. Here's one that was on a Pitfall II pcb I have.
This is where I guess the bootleggers got their first info on how to replicate the functionality, before Sega combined all the components into a single IC package.
(Yes my PAL has been dumped ;) )


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actually, if you dump the rom AND draw up a schematic, we can make clones of the whole board :)
I'll be interested in a repro board if it ever got made thanks for the info on the Z80 sub board Flinnster :thumbup:
My pleasure. And dammit. I hate it when people give me homework to do. I'll see what I can do.. limited time so no promises ok? ;)

Had a dig through my conversion notes.. I never did dump the game ROMs from that pcb to see what they match to in romident but.. I'm pretty sure that sub-pcb is... sys1piox_315_5093 (so that's the Sega 315-5093 chip).
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That's a classic in house early Sega conversion then.. what a mess of spaghetti! But yeah, interesting :)
i have seen such messes before, they are just to get around chip shortages usually.
Just an update on this I managed to get Flicky fully working on the Sega PIO board using roms from FLICKY.zip set then used the 2 from the non encrypted set. The problem with the F L I C K Y sprites was due to the 110 rom required to be placed in Ic04 location on the board and not ic110 as per the mame rom location.

Thanks go to Gadgetfreak for the 110 rom location pointer and just to add he has updated his arcadepatcher software to now patch the Flicky.zip rom set to 'not encrypted' and added a HSS & Freeplay function.
Yet another update I converted a Wonderboy board to Flicky but seeing as Wonderboy and Flicky are both my favourite games I wanted to be able to play both but only had one Sega PIO board.

I noticed that IC locations 110...05 & 96 are not used by Flicky but are only ever used by Wonderboy.

As a test I added in some random spare burnt Flicky roms to see if those roms would be addressed by Flicky and corrupt the game however it didn't seem to affect the game so I burnt some double sized roms for all the 14 roms locations with Flicky & Wonderboy code except where 110...05...96 are concerned which were left as original sized Wonderboy roms, as previously mentioned Flicky didn't care they were populated. I wired all the upper address lines via a 3 pole toggle switch between GND and +5v via a 1K resistor and now I have a dual booting board between Flicky and Wonderboy :thumbsup:.

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"wonder flicky" lol - sounds like a bootleg :D
Yet another update, have now updated the PIO board to play 4 games in one Wonderboy / Teddy Boy Blues / Flicky and Pitfall II